Battlefield Bad Company 2 is an excellent game. The single player is spectacular and the multiplayer is more addicting than Call of Duty games. For anyone who has played a previous "Battlefield" title, there's a familiar formula here that has been reworked for an even better online experience. Since the majority of players will be playing online most of the time, I'll go into some detail on the multiplayer aspects. The maps are large and the gameplay is challenging. Unlike some other first person shooter games, you have to really employ some strategy and you must work as a team if you really want to win. In Bad Company 2, your team consists of squads, up to 4 people in each squad. You can create objectives for you and your squad memebers and you can "spot" enemy team members by putting them in your cross-hairs and pushing the "select" button instantly showing your entire squad where this enemy player is located (it puts a large orange triangle over their head and shows their location on your squad-mates mini map.) Bad Company 2 also has 4 awesome multiplayer modes: Conquest, Rush, Squad Rush, and Squad Deathmatch. Most everyone knows the object of a deathmatch, get your team as many kills as you can and make sure your team has more kills that the other team if you want to win. Well Battlefield 1942/1943 were both known for their "Conquest" mode and Bad Company 2 brings it back. The objective is for your team to capture and hold flag points scattered along the map, as long as you own these flag points, you and your entire team can spawn on them. In the Rush game mode, there are M-COM stations scattered throughout the map. One team defends these stations, while the other team tries to destroy the stations by either planting bombs on the stations or tearing the building down (yes, you can blow buildings apart and watch them crumble to the ground smashing any player still inside!).
Ok, now for the benefits of the "Ultimate Edition". The Ultimate Edition includes Battlefield 1943 and Onslaught mode. Battlefield 1943 is a downloadable game from the PS Store that usually costs $14.99 and it is a fun throwback that was built off of the original hit Battlefield 1942 that was released on the PC. There are only 4 maps in BF 1943 but it is still a great World War II game. The other extra is Onslaught co-op mode. The Onslaught mode is a downloadable add-on to Bad Company 2 that usually costs $9.99 at the PS Store but is now included with the Ultimate Edition. Onslaught is a co-op online game mode in which you and 3 other squad mates can take part in. It is a very fun game mode that is sure to add even more re-play time to an already addicting game.
Now for the negatives about this game... Actually, I have very few complaints about Bad Company 2. A few people have complained about getting randomly booted from online matches, I have never had this happen and I have logged over 45 hours in the multiplayer modes. I do wish that there was an option to play 4 player (or even 2 player) split-screen online. I also think that the helicopters are way too dominant. They are very hard to take down once an enemy player gets in one.
All in all, Bad Company 2 is a GREAT game! If you are looking at this game and considering it, you should buy it, or at least checkout the full professional reviews at some other websites. I downloaded the demo before the game was even out, and I knew it was going to be good. I pre-ordered it and paid $60 for it, then bought this version for the Onslaught mode and Battlefield 1943 and gave my old version to a friend so he could play online with me. This Ultimate Edition is a great value at only $40, you get the Onslaught mode free (usually an extra $10) and Battlefield 1943 (usually $15)! That's $25 worth of free content, not to mention the VIP code that comes with all new versions of Bad Company 2 giving you access to some FREE map packs. Battlefield Bad Company 2 Ultimate Edition
I loved COD4, and MW2. I spent so much time playing those games. But I got to a point where I was just SICK of it. I didn't play a shooter for a good couple of months. I didn't want to spend a whole bunch of money on Black Ops either. I recently got the itch to play again and plugged in MW2... still tired of it. Oddly enough, the day after that, this game went on sale for 27 dollars, and I picked it up without hesitation.
It is an entirely different experience from the COD games. There is a bullet drop on sniper rifles... totally awesome. Now when you make a longshot with the sniper, you have to aim higher to account for this. I fricken love it, because now you feel accomplished when you get that long distance headshot. Plus, you actually have to work as a team. If you run around trying to be a badass, chances are you will get killed. The emphasis here isn't team deathmatch. Its all about capturing enemy bases, or destroying enemy objectives. I love the fact that you can tag an enemy, and said enemy is instantly visible to all your teammates.
Theres a lot of guns here, different equipment, and the expected perks and attachments of most FPSs right now. The inclusion of vehicles adds a lot as well. Boats, land vehicles, and various air vehicles make for an exciting match. I will admit though, it gets annoying when every single person hops into a tank or a helicopter.
A quick warning that was already stated by another reviewer: being new to this game right now is rough. Be prepared for that.
Plus, this edition gives you sooo much extra stuff. BF1943 is alright, and I havent played the other mode that you download, but what I can attest to is the greatness of the extra maps you get.
I recommend this, especially for people who are finally tired of COD and want a different type of game.
I'm not here to provide a lengthy review about the gameplay, if you want that I recommend going to gamespot, gametrailers, and IGN, for a professional review instead of getting countless skewed biased reviews from fanboys. I will say, however, that this is a great deal on a very good game. Bad Company 2 has a thriving online community that rivals that of Modern Warfare 2, so if you're looking for a fun shooter to play online, you've come to the right place.
People seem to be a little unsure just what is included in the package. You get the original Bad Company 2 game (40 dollar value), the VIP code for the map packs (if you buy the game used you have to purchase a VIP code for 10 or 15 dollars to be able to download the map packs), you also get BC2's DLC Onslaught mode (a 10 dollar value) and Battlefield 1943 (15 dollar value). If you do the math, it's easy to see why I consider this to be a great value.
I can't tell you whether or not you'll like the Bad Company 2 or Battlefield 1943. Both games are a lot of fun and have very unique FPS personalities. Check out professional reviews to see if it's up your alley.
Note: I purchased this game when Amazon had it listed at 40 dollars. If you can get it for that value, it is a must buy. 60 is still a good deal though.
If you are a parent concerned about the violence in either game please be aware that it is Rated M (17+). The game does have minimal violence/blood (no where near the most violent games on the market) and some harsh language. Also playing online always increases the chances of running into other players swearing. - Bad Company 2 - Battlefield - Ps3 Games - Bad Company'
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