I have a small squadron of mini helicopters and this one is by far the best so far. I read great reviews of the Syma S107. I was quite pleased with it compared to some of the older Syma models. Then I saw the positive reviews for this and thought I would give it a go. It flies incredibly well! Quiter than the other seven helicopters I have and so stable, smooth, and responsive. It is a little slow with forward and reverse momentum, but not bad. Slow is easier to control...maybe that was intentional. We fly these every day in the office and this hands down outperforms everthing else.
For those comparing models, here you go:
Syma S109 Apache- Excellent
Syma S105G (Sport Helicopter) Very Good -Fastest, stable, but somewhat loud, durable metal frame
Syma S107G- (Sport Helicopter) Very good- nearly identical to S105 but a little slower, different scheme,older?
Syma S026 Chinook- Looks cool, flies ok, but hard to control. Too much power for its weight; 'Cieling magnet'
Syma S013 Black Hawk- Horrible! Very light, spins uncontrollably, fragile
Syma S013 Apache- See S013 Black Hawk review. (friend purchased this one to join the fun: nothing but regrets)
Heard the S108G Cobra is good too but haven't tried it. My deployment to Iraq is almost over, so I probably won't be buying any more toys. Syma S109G Apache AH-64 3-Channels Mini Indoor Helicopter
What a difference a gyro makes! Incredible...I tried one of the 1st gen micro R/C copters (no gyro on those) not long after they came out, and found them to be extremely difficult to control and not much fun because of it.
This generation with the gyro is just amazing though...SO stable, SO easy - but not boring. There is still a learning curve for complete R/C noobies that will make this a great first R/C copter, but I look at it almost like a challenge...trying to master this little beast is FUN!
This also actually looks like a real helicopter, compared to the ones I bought previously, which looked like....well like R/C copters - completely unrealistic.
The LED lights are awesome so you can fly at night (my kids LOVE that - the dog...not so much), and the thing even seems to behave like a real helicopter, with ground effect and having to reduce speed (thrust?) to tilt forward (I am no pilot or physicist, but I do know that the previous models I tried did not give me any kind of sense of "this thing FEELS like I am flying a real helicopter!")
Gonna stop now because I sound like I work for the company (not even sure who the company is actually, but whoever it is, they sorely need an English native to write the English part of the instruction manual!)
Can't recommend this enough. Easy easy 5 stars.
FYI if you are interested in modding your Syma (specifically, the cheap, easy and awesome tail rotor mod that makes it faster and more agile), you should buy the model that looks like the R/C copter (107G I believe). Found this out the hard way, but I still prefer this one for the looks. Video of the mod results: [...]
I own two other indoor helicopters that I purchased for three to four times as much money at the mall. This is the helicopter that has the best control out of all of them. I can land this thing on a soda can and fly circles around my wives head (my favorite part, especially when she is watching stupid tv shows like the Kardashians). This is the absolute best gift for any male you know. My 8 year old can fly it. Cant say enough about what you get for the price. I also love the silly Engwish warnings printed on the props.
Got two of these RC helicopters, the other being the "Military Gyro Mini Indoor Helicopter Viefly V268". This one is by far the easier to control. I'm actually going to return the latter... it's impossible to stabalize, when it connects with the controller at all.
It was my younger one's 5th birthday gift, but figured he and his 6-year old brother would fight over them, and questioned the durability in the hands of 5/6 year olds, so got two. We did fly them outside -- there wasn't much wind -- and after 10 minutes or so they actually got pretty good at hovering and basic controls. They did bang them into several things inside and not too much damage to the blades.
Very big hit for a gift, seems like excellent value for $20, especially when you can get two for basically the price of one at Walmart.
This is a smooth operating helicopter. I am a beginner and I was flying this copter like a pro the very first time, it is just that easy to control. Before buying I did the research read the reviews and it turned out to be a very good choice. I bought the Gyro Star S107, and the S108G Cobra the same time that I bought the S109G Apache and I like them all. You cannot go wrong with this copter.
The Syma S109G Apache I received shipped quick and was very easy to fly. It flies better than the S107 Syma that I have and it's also a lot quieter. I would recommend this model to anyone looking for a great entry level RC helicopter.
Great little indoor Heelo. Fun, reliable, sturdy. Crashed it dozens of times with no ill affects. Beware laptop charging! If your laptop is set to sleep after non-use, the Heelo may not charge. Seems like several people are having this issue without knowing it. I use a dedicated USB charger plugged in to the wall. Works GR8...
This toy is one of the funnest and most durable RC helicopters I've ever owned and had a chance to experience. I didn't have to make any adjustments to the trim. This helicopter is very stable and way better than the RC helicopters I've previously owned from other companies. This is a really fun and durable toy!
This is my 3rd Syma Heli, and another example of a perfectly-flying micro coaxial heli that works flawlessly out of the box. Hovers like it's hanging from a string, very steady, nice forward and reverse flight. I can't say that for most other inexpensive micro heli's out there, but this thing is as good as, if not better than, a $100 Blade MCx micro heli. Great Apache scale looks, a nice gift for any RC helicopter enthusiast. Quite durable, can smack it into walls and ceilings without breaking it.
A great buy, perfect gift for anyone into RC heli's or planes. Excellent for indoor flight, can easily maneuver through small rooms. Best heli in this price range, by a long shot, I'd say that it's better than most coaxial heli's at 3-4x the cost.
One of the best features of the S019G is the horrible Chinese-English Warning translation on the blades: "If blade damage, don't be fly. otherwise it will create the human body or blame damage". Classic.'
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