last christmas i gave to my wife an iphone 4 but unfortunately it was locked.
when i purchased the iphone i was hopping to unlock it with one of the available softwares that have been waisting our time on internet, so it didn't happened because its baseband 2.10.4.
Since then i've been waiting for the software to unlock it and nothing, thats when i decided to try one of this turbo sims hopping that it will work in Mozambique, where we live.
I recieved the turbo sim on 05/15/2011 and tryed...
And after a few trys the phone is realy working, i couldn't even believe it.
but i think there's a problem with the sound, it doesn't sound nice the quality is poor and i dont know if its because of the turbo sim or the iphone 4...
But.... i ordered another turbo sim for my iphone 4 which is baseband 03.10.01 with the same problem... i had 2 iphones one factory unlocked and another with turbo sim and none of them had this sound problem...
I would recomend gevey turbo sim to everibody who has been suffering with locked iphone... gevey iPhone 4 Gevey-3g Turbo Sim unlock kit iOS 4.0, 4.1, 4.2.1, 4.3 and 4.3.1 Baseband 1.59, 2.10, 3.10.1, 4.10, 4.10.1
bought this Gevey Pro to unlock iPhone 4 Baseband 4.10.1. The Amazon description clearly says 4.10.1 and the picture clearly shows a Gevey Pro (the only one that unlocks 4.10.1). Being tech savy I double checked all specs and ordered. Surprise surprise: bag does not say "Pro" on it and when I placed my "other carrier" sim card into the provided tray with the unlock chip the phone did not recognized the SIM at all.
I'd consider this a bait and switch.
Being the eternal optimist I have contacted the seller to see if they may have made a mistake. We'll see ... until then:
BEWARE - DO NOT BUY this product if you want to unlock a 4.10.1 baseband!
Updates to follow
The card does what it's supposed to do and does it well. However it is a significant drain on battery power. While I understand sometimes you have to sacrifice one thing for another, it's rather annoying that even with less than average use, the iPhone will barely last a day. If you absolutely MUST have your iPhone 4 unlocked, be prepared to deal with the headache of having to constantly keep an eye on battery power. Otherwise, don't bother with this product or the iPhone.
It's a nice idea. Unfortunately, it's illegal in the U.S. and many other countries. Not because it unlocks the phone (which it does), but because it makes a call to the emergency # (equivalent of 911 in the U.S.) every time the phone is re-booted.
Call 911 a dozen times or so and hang up on them and see what happens... That's exactly what this does to 'unlock' your phone. You'll be able to use your phone on any carrier you like. So long as the county jail lets you keep your cell phone in your cell...'
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