I haven't seen that many IMAX films on the Grand Canyon so I won't be able to give any real comparisons, but I will say this one does at least deliver on what I was looking for: Nice wide footage of the Grand Canyon. Although most of the footage is personal shots of the expedition you do get some really good aerial footage as well as other impressive nature shots.
The difference between this particular documentary and what I would normally expect from a Grand Canyon is that it has a conservation message tied to it. Instead of focusing solely on nature's wonder there is a lot of footage on the effects of drought and siphoning of the Colorado River. So if you are looking for a full-on nature safari this isn't exactly it. At the same time it's not like you aren't getting any absolutely amazing footage either. Just not as much as I was expecting.
Like many IMAX films coming to Blu-Ray the AVC transfer is breathtaking. The 3-D on this release is indeed in full 1080p as opposed to the 720p some studios are mulling over for their 3-D BD releases. Every little detail will stand out, even on the included 2-D version (even if those details won't come out and touch you). The audio is equally immersive with the DTS HD MA 5.1 track getting you wrapped up in the sounds of the canyon all over. There is also a German DTS HD audio track. Unfortunately like the original Blu-Ray release I think there are no subtitles of any kind. There are a somewhat respectable list of extra features on this release, which I suppose is better than expected. Most of the extras are standard definition with the exception of one. Here is what you get:
- 30 Minute Making of Featurette chronicling the challenges of shooting in IMAX 3-D.
- Music video by Wade Davis' daughter, Tara singing "Water"
- IMAX feature trailers in HD
It looks like they took out some of the features that are on the 2-D only Blu-Ray released a little while back like the HD MFF IMAX Productions retrospective, conservation tips, fact sheet and trivia. I guess you can say it's small price to pay for the 3-D aspect. Still some will miss the retrospective.
Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk is a very worthwhile documentary that shows the real beauty of the Grand Canyon... if you don't mind the preachy parts. Of course conservationists will really appreciate the fact filled message as well as the eye candy. The IMAX theater release was also in 3-D so now you get the full experience of this 40 minute feature... well... aside from the massive IMAX viewing screen of course. IMAX: Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk [Blu-ray 3D]
My ratings are based mainly on the QUALITY OF THE 3D, not the video content.
Not counting a few shallow effects, there are 11 out of screen effects. 4 that extend about 10% of the way, from the screen to the viewer and another 3 around 25%. Bubbles float around extending up to 50% for 90 seconds. Grinding sparks shoot out for 15 seconds up to 50%. A fishing net hangs out 35% for 15 seconds and there is a floating window at about 20%. The effects in the menu are also very nice.
No real complaints about the in screen 3D. Most of the footage is clear and excess parallax only showed itself a few times.
*** Nice scenery and wild river shots ***
*** The bubbles floating around in mid air are pretty cool ***
MY 3D RATING = GOOD (poor, fair, good, very good, excellent)
Note: As far as the percentages go, everyone's eyes are different. What I see at 25% you may see at 15% or 35%. To fully realize how far something is out of the screen for you, pause on an effect and direct a partner with an extended finger to the tip of what you are seeing. You may be surprised.
Click on `See all my reviews' for the lowdown on other 3Ds
I just got a 3d TV in July 2010. This DVD is by far the best Bluray 3D to date. I am buying all that are generally released since so many are being tied to buying the sets now a days. (A practice that is hurting the very customers that support 3D by buying a 3D TV, then can only get certain movies)
An interesting story, that is a little one sided, but nevertheless truthful, tied together with breathtaking cinematography.
One of the few 3D movies released to date that not only shows 3D depth, but sends the picture towards you. Other 3D movies do this, but only for a moment or two. This production is great at that. The resolution is crisp and clear. The colors of the canyon really get shown off. Beautiful. Makes me want to go there on my next vacation.
A great film of one of our most treasured natural resources. The best 3D to date. You can't go wrong here...
The 3D isn't all bad, but if you are looking for some 3D material for the sake of 3D Blu-ray this is not it. Yes there is 3D and some short shots look decent, but all in all the 3D is poor and the story is even worse. I watched half the disc and couldn't make it through... put it on eBay and got it out of here. I am an environmentalist, but the doom and gloom and preachy story about water conservation was just over the top and incredibly lame. IMAX could have at least made the visuals good, but they failed on this as well. Don't buy.
This is a well done 3D disc. The video quality is fantastic. Discs like this should be included with every 3D tv to showcase the new technology and potential of it. If you own a 3d tv this is a great disc to showcase your tv to friends , its not too long , the video quality is great.
I figured that for $10.99, I couldn't go wrong. It appears I was right. The photography was excellent and the 3D effects very good, over all, having only a very few areas that seemed a little flat. I found it quite enjoyable and thought its message was pretty much on target.
I'd like to address those one star reviews. With the exception of the guy who didn't realized special equipment was needed to view the film in 3D, they all come from the political right. Mention conservation or ecology to them and they immediately foam at the mouth. They've bought the gospel of Exxon-Mobile, Chevron, et al, hook line and sinker. There was even one guy who declared global warming defunct. I wonder how he explains disappearing glaciers and melting polar ice caps. - Canyon - 3d Movie - Grand Canyon - North America'
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