This is a great product that i've been using for the past several months. It's one of the more inexpensive options in its class and shouldn't be counted out.
HOWEVER - I see that this product has been getting a lot of very bad reviews and can explain why!
I also ran into the problem of the product working once and then stopping. I exchanged it for a new one and had the same problem *BUT* I figured out that the product just has a small quirk and will actually work every time - and very work very well!!! See, if the transmitter remains plugged into the outlet with the ipod connected for a long period of time when not in use, it will go off and all the buttons will stop working. Instead of displaying the radio station it's tuned to, the display will be black. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS UNPLUG THE IPOD AND PLUG IT BACK IN. The radio station will be displayed again and the transmitter will work! Once i figured out this little trick, i never again had any issue with the product.
I would definitely recommend it!! DLO TransDock Micro 2.0 FM Transmitter for iPod (Black)
I bought this under assurances from the Amazon Seller that it would work with my iPhone in addition to working with iPod. It does not (work with the iPhone). In talking to DLO's tech support folks, they were emphatic in saying that if you buy a DLO FM Transmitter, you MUST purchase the one that specifically says it is for use with the iPhone (not just the iPod). Luckily for me, I had a friend that was looking for one of these for their iPod, and I was able to recoup my money. So be careful if you have an iPhone and are looking to buy one of these units.
I bought this product to be used in my 2003 Honda Civic. The dock is too big to fit my car power outlet (I always thought it is standard size). It took me a while to push it in, as gently as I could. To my dismay, the transmission did not work. I have not been able to use this product as it is intended, since day one. More importantly, the device is now permanently stuck in my car. At the time this review is written, I cannot return the product to Best Buy. I will have to drive my car to the Honda dealer and see if they can pull it back out without damaging my car power outlet - which I also use to charge my cell phone.
Initially this worked great, on a 2 hour car trip. Next time I went to use it, it only charged the ipod, wasn't playing any music and nothing was showing on the display. For $60 I figured it would work longer then once....
I purchased this on a whim after my Monster transmitter broke. I really should have waited and did some research. My initial thoughts were, "This intellitune is going to be great!" WRONG! The intellitune usually finds the worst station possible. Not only that, but stations I knew worked perfectly (from my Monster transmitter) sounded horrible. As a matter of fact any station that actually works, sounds horrible. If you live in, or right next to NYC (most likely any city) don't expect this product to do anything for you.
Aside from this transmitter, prett much, not working... It MUST be jammed into, or yanked out of your lighter socket. At least in my car. If I shut my car off, and turn it back on, the transmitter will not turn on. I have to yank it out, and jam it back in every time! I found the controls were extremely annoying too.
In short, if you are looking for a FM transmitter, this is not the one to buy.
I purchased this product and initially gave it a good review. I should have waited. After one day it began working intermittently and sometimes the control button would not work at all. It had poor quality in the city also. I took it back and exchanged for a new one which had all the same problems and more. It worked as advertised about 10% of the time. It is also too large for the cigarette lighter socket on my Saab and was extraordinarily difficult to get in and out. I can't stress enough how dis-satisfied I am with this product.
I am so mad at myself for ignoring the bad reviews of this product and buying it anyway! It worked for a total of less than 2 hours before dying and I mean D-E-A-D dying. I have never ever been so duped by a company in my life. DLO should be put out of business immediately and forced to refund every dollar "earned" on this piece of crap.
I have been using two of these for years. both worked great the only problem with the first was it got stolen. If it shuts off just unplug it all and plug it back in. it is a frustrating quirk at times and I almost did return the first one when this first happned to me. but the sound is great and the tuning is quick and easy.
This is a poorly designed merchandise from DLO, which is very uncharacteristic of them.
First, the socket is way too big and it is really frustrating to try to fit it into your car DC outlet. Second, the transmitter seemed to work only when it pleased. After using it without any problem for a few days, suddenly it just refused to start up after i start my car. At first, i though a connection is loosed. I took it out and put it back in but it refused to work. I tried about 3 times, finally giving up, planning to take it back for an exchange. However, upon starting the car the next day, it works again! (Even though I havent touched it since it failed to start up!). From then on, my transmitter had been like that. It will work sometimes but not other times. (My car electric outlet is certainly working fine because I can charge my torchlight all the time without fail.)
In conclusion, this is a horrible product. What good is a transmitter if it cant be even fitted into its electric socket??? (and i havent talk about the poor radio reception yet) Stay away!!! - Fm Transmitter - Ipod Accessories - Fm Transmitters - Charger'
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