Shockwave is back with a very solid robot and vehicle mode that any transformer fan will treasure.The detail in either mode is some of the best you will find on any transformer figure around.The Mech Tech weaponary Shockwave posseses is a Battle Cannon that converts to a Particle Wave Blaster on one arm while having a double end bladed sword weapon on the other.The Mech Tech weapon can only fit on the one arm so that the hose can attach to Shockwave's back.The only dilemma this creates is limited arm movement.But you can attach both ends of the hose to the battle cannon to solve this problem.Attached to the back gives Shockwave a more realistic movie look though in my opinion.Shockwave travels through tunnels as means of travel to sneak up on his prey and eliminate it whether it be autobot or evidence.This explains the wheels with the drill bit attachment on Shockwave's back.The vehilcle mode is a futuristic ground assault tank type mode which is very durable and solid at the same time.The Battle Cannon sits on the top in vehicle mode somewhat similar to a tank turret.The durability in both robot or vehicle mode is also excellent to where Shockwave can handle whatever comes his way.Shockwave can assume any pose you can think of for awesome poseability for acting out battle scenes or displaying this bad boy somewhere.The transformation level is intermediate meaning if you have plenty of experience with transformers there is mid-level difficulty.If you are a parent buying for a child of 5-6 or younger you might have to help some in the process.Shockwave honestly is very versatile for all ages to where after a few times they should be able to get the hang of it.The process is about 3-4 main parts starting with the feet and legs folding up to form the main vehicle body with treads.Then on the back where the wheels with drill bit attachment is along with Shockwave's head is rotated downwards to end up forming the extended front part of the vehicle.After that the chest piece flips down while the arms fold up into place on each side and the back part of the vehicle is formed.If you are a Shockwave fan or a transformer fan in general this is a must have.Bottom line Shockwave is a high quality,well-made,10 out of 10 figure all transformer fans and collectors should enjoy.This version also has one of the best head pieces done on any Shockwave figure done to date.I highly recommend Dark of the Moon Shockwave to all transformer fans and collectors alike.Transformers Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Transformers: Dark of the Moon - MechTech Voyager - Shockwave
This is easily one of the best Voyagers in the transformers line. He does seem to be a bit on the short side compared to other voyagers, but that seems to be what the Dark of the Moon toyline seems to be going for, just note that he WILL be a bit out of scale with the Revenge of the Fallen toys. Aside from that, he has got a great design (I especially like the head, even if it can't look up), decent articulation (once again, no head pivot), cool paint, and is overall just a fun toy to play with, even if the hose is a bit problematic. He does have a few flaws, but they're easily overlooked. Lastly, I'd have a hard time paying $36 for him. I found him at retail for $20 and I didn't feel ripped off at all.
In short Shockwave is cool, suffers from a few VERY minor design choices, and is somewhat overpriced online.
This one transformer was a little more challenging for my 7 year old, but he eventually figured it out and with no help from mommy (thank goodness since mommy has no idea how to transform these things). He wanted this one decepticon transformer from the 3rd movie cuz it looks cool. He hasn't put it down for 3 days...
This guy is awesome!!!! I use transformers for stopmotions and let me say that this guy is epic. He is the spitting image of his cgi model and has very little back kibble (if any at all). Since many figures are cut back in size due to polution (or something like that) he is short for a voyager. He comes nowhere close to size with a leader size optimus from the ROTF line. None the less he is a great figure and in my opinion the best in the line so far. I highly reccomend him to all new fans and G1 fans
Lets start off with the good stuff about this toy. The first thing that stands out is his Mechtech weapon which is a particle wave blaster. In addition to this Shockwave also has a secondary weapon which is a blade that is longer than the length of his arm which I thought was very nice. Robot mode is awesome with some exceptions. His vehicle mode which is a very alien looking ground assault vehicle like a tank was one of the selling points for this toy. I have been collecting the newer Transformers since ROTF.
I like to keep the boxes as well because the boxes have interesting stories about the character the toy portrays. This is where I will get into the negative aspects of the toy. First I want to mention the large cable that attaches Shockwave's Mechtech weapon to his body. This feature cuts back on the posibility of the figure in robot mode. It is very hard to pose his weapon to take a shot at an enemy without this cable getting in the way, and restricting his arm movements.
Getting to the story on the box, it says that Shockwave uses tunnels to travel in to avoid the Autobots. What they don't say is how he makes the tunnels. Before opening the box I had assumed that he used his weapon to blast through the earth. After properly aligning all of his parts in robot form I figured out how he makes the tunnels. On his back are very large drill bits like mining drills use. I think this is an excellent touch to his character, there are just some problems with this.
Shockwave can not use this giant drill in robot, or vehicle mode. In vehicle mode two of the three drill bits are used for front wheels. This leaves me asking how does he use the drill if it is stuck to his back. If it were not for these two moderately important details I would have given him five stars, but instead I had to deduct one. I like my Transformers toys to be good to look at, and functional at the same time. Other than the cons I mentioned if they don't bother you Shockwave is a very good looking well made toy.
Using the picture I figured out how to attach the power cable for Shockwave's Mechtech weapon from the gun to the gun instead from the gun to the body. I do not like the way it looks, but Shockwave can now get better shots off at the Autobots. This still was not enough for that fifth star though. - Mechtech - Hasbro - Decepticon - Dark Of The Moon'
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