I've been a habitual nailbiter since I was probably around three or four, from what my mom tells me. I've tried everything from creams to bandaids to false nails to powders. NOTHING worked. I stumbled upon this listing while browsing on amazon, and the word "permanently" caught my eye. I bought it, thinking I'd have another "cure" on my hands, but that it was better than doing nothing. I read through it, got to the "treatment" chapter, and my first thought was this: "You've GOT to be kidding me. I just spent $14 on a book so some guy could tell me to snap a RUBBER BAND on my arm??? That's insane!"
But... misgivings aside, I tried it, and it took right away. Within the first few hours I was more aware of my inspecting and picking and nibbling, and by the end of the first day, I hadn't put my fingers in my mouth at all!
Still, a little expensive for the old rubber band trick (which I hadn't previously thought to try). Stop Your Nailbiting!: Permanently
the support offered in this book is great. if you are a biter, then i highly encourage you to invest in this book and try the remedy. Gilbreth Brown really understands what it's like and has researched the habit and is very passionate about helping the 20% of the population who bite their nails. the book is well thought out, a quick and easy read, offers a easy to implement permanent cure and on-going web-support. he speaks to you personally and gets results, no matter how sceptical you are, because you become empowered rather than just bandaid the problem.
could also be an invaluable christmas gift
Although the technique promoted by this book may seem simple, the explanations and discussions around nailbiting helped give me a better understanding of this awful habit. I've bitten my nails since I was 5 years old, and even though I've been able to stop for a few times throughout the last 30 years, I've never felt like I really kicked the habit. I've tried hypnosis, creams, anti-nail biting polish, gloves, band-aids - everything. This book and the technique has really changed my perspective. I was able to stop biting my nails almost immediately, and now it has been two months and I finally have hands that I'm not afraid to show. In addition, I feel confident that I will be able to resist the urge to bite, where in the past I always had moments of weakness (one finger was almost always sacrificed if I felt the urge to bite, and then soon the habit would be full-blown again). If you are a life-long nailbiter, or know someone who is, get this book. It's not much money, and there are many success stories (see the reviews for the print version).
I have been a chronic nail and lip biter/picker for 33 years. Like many others, I have tried various techniques with no success. This habit has caused me an incredible amount of shame, and until reading Brown's book I felt completely and utterly alone in my suffering. Perhaps equally powerful as the simple, yet brilliant solution, is all the insight and personal experience that Brown relays about the habit. For the first time I felt understood and seen, which is incredibly healing in itself.
Alcoholics go to 12-step meetings because the experience of sharing their common suffering with others has a great healing effect. There are no meetings or support groups for nailbiters. Therapists (I am one) aren't even helpful because they don't understand this un-researched area. Brown's book fills the gap and serves as a lifeline... finally shedding light on this "habit" that feels more like a curse to those of us who have struggled with it for most of our lives. I owe Gilbreth Brown a debt of gratitude!!!
Well, I guess bad publicity is better than none! :) Yes, while we do use the rubber band method, it is HOW this is used that makes the difference. Also, we do not rely solely on the band - instead, we use it in conjunction with a variety of other techniques (e.g., understanding that the habit is actually a two-part habit, altering unconcious behavior, etc). If you follow the directions EXACTLY as I have described, nail biting can be beaten easily, quickly, and permanently. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, see the site for many, many examples of customer case success stories.
The technique described in this book is GREAT--the day I started using it, I quit biting my nails (about a month ago). However, much of the book is just the same thing repeated over and over. This could have made a good pamphlet.
The technique contained in this book is simple and absolutely works. After decades of trying false nails, gloves, bandaids, and bitter tasting polish, my nailbiting was completely cured in less than 3 weeks. I've been biting my nails all of my 50 years, and my front teeth are slightly pushed in from all the pressure I've placed on them. That ugly habit is no longer tormenting my self-esteem. I'm forever grateful to Mr. Brown for providing this information and for his support. - Body - Nail Biting Solutions - Self-help - Health'
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