...is one you'll have with you. The nice thing about the Canon ELPH series is they easily fit into your pocket, are well built/designed, don't cost a lot, come with a boatload of features, and take great pictures. The SD1300, the latest in the ELPH line continues in that tradition, adding considerable additional sophistication and sacrificing some useful functionality in the interest of cutting cost.
It is a small camera and carries with it the baggage that comes with the convenience of having to carry so little baggage. (sorry, couldn't resist) None of the issues raised, given that they comes as part of the convenience trade-off made me consider anything other than the 5-star rating this camera deserves.
- Many of the functions are only accessible through menus, sometimes several levels deep. The good new is the Automatic and scene modes are pretty good (as long as you spend a few minutes reviewing what they really do). This camera is not intended to be used in aperture or shutter priority, let alone full manual.
- The battery life might be shorter than you expect. That's a trade-off for having a camera that's small and light; you get a battery that is small and light. One thing you can do is get a spare battery. That is good advice for any camera. Another thing that will help is to keep the display off as much as possible. That means using the monitor as little as possible. The "sad" part is that Canon chose to drop the optical viewfinder in this model. That means a camera that is simpler and less expensive to make but will go through batteries quicker because you must use the display when taking picture.
- The camera response is a bit slow for effectively capturing children and pets. The trick for doing that is to either have a great sense of timing and a shutter that reacts instantly or a reasonably fast ( > 4x / sec ) burst mode. This camera has neither.
Some other suggestions that apply:
- Use the lowest ISO available given your requirement for either aperture or shutter speed. To avoid getting technical, higher ISO always introduces higher noise. At issue is when it becomes noticeable. In newer dSLR cameras you can get over 1000, maybe well over depending on the camera, before the noise becomes noticeable. For this camera keeping it at or below 200 is a good idea.
- Don't use in-camera sharpening. Digital pictures will almost always benefit from sharpening but you are better off doing it with a photo editing program. Computer-based algorithms tend to be more sophisticated and you can better judge the results on your monitor as opposed to the camera LCD.
- If you want more vivid colors and have the choice use sRGB instead of Adobe RGB. While you get fewer colors they are distributed over a wider range. They are also render better on computer monitors, many commercial labs, and any other place your pictures are likely to show up.
Finally, I've found the Caselogic QPB-1 Compact Digital Camera Case (Black/Gray) is just the right size for this camera. It's semi-rigid so you get a fair amount of protection but doesn't add a lot of bulk. It's made even better by using one of these, Nite Ize SB1-2PK-01 Size-1 S-Biner, Black, 2-Pack, to secure it to a belt loop.
BTW, I feel that honest, effective reviews can take the place of first-hand experiences that are lacking in online shopping. I've always appreciated the help I've received from other reviewers and work hard to return the favor as best as I can. I hope you found this review helpful and if there was anything you thought was lacking or unclear leave a comment and I'll do what I can to fix it. Canon PowerShot SD1300 IS 12.1 MP Digital Camera with 4x Wide Angle Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.7-Inch LCD (Silver)
I will try to share some things I have discovered about this camera, these are just my thoughts, I hope they might be of help .
Some things I am compairing to a canon SD1200 and the SD940, SD1400.
I do not use the viedo enough to judge that part of the cameras.
** No SD memory card included with this camera **, see below
* Some will miss the eye viewfinder that the SD1200 has.
* Some will miss the HD 720p in the movie mode that the SD940,SD1400 has, The SD1300 has 640x480 at 30fps like the canon SD1200, G11 and S90.
* The SD1300 has ( no optical zoom while recording video ) just digital zoom.
* There is a date feature on the SD1300, see below
* The flat button arangement is the same as the SD1200 all but the (( Power Button )) on top is larger and easier to turn on and off, I like that ( but be careful ) it does not come on in your pocket, purse or in your soft camera case.
* I have not had any trouble using any of the buttons even with my big old hands. The flat buttons on the SD1300 are a ( tad larger than on the SD940 and SD1400 ).
* The menu screens are large and very easy to read and use.*
* You get a 2.7inch very clear LCD screen that has a (very good and wide viewing angle in all directions).
Note > when your LCD screen is set to a lower brightness you can push and hold down the display button for 1 second and it will go to the brightest setting and do that again and it will go back to the lower setting...
A 28mm x 112mm lens, a little better than the 35 x 105 on the SD1200 ( But no view finder on the SD1300 ).
* The SD1300 is very easy to use and small enough to carry every place you go for those spontaneous grand kid pictures like the SD 1200 was .
Just a very good basic camera.
* I like that the mic for the video is in the front of the camera instead of being on the top (where I put my finger) like the canon SD970 and others, it picks up less finger movement noise being in the front.
** Timing and Performance** ( Using program mode )> Very fast start up time of just over 1 sec.
I can not tell any difference in shot to shot or flash shot to shot times between the SD1300 and the SD1200 using them in the program mode, which is ( 2secs with out the flash ), and 3 to 4secs with the flash on, (( up to 6secs for full flash recharge )).
(Update > Some of review sites(C-NET) are getting around 2.7 to 3 seconds for the SD1300 between shots with out the flash so I grabed the two cameras and tryed the two again(SD1300 SD1200) with and with out the flash on and I had the same results both ways, ((I used program mode)) both times and they would focus and recharge the flash evenly also...)
Shutter lag is good for a canon point and shoot but if you ( pre focus ) that will help even more. To pre focas > > Push shutter button down half way untill camera beeps and green square apears on LCD screen,picture should be clearly in focas at this point, if not let up on the shutter button and repeat the steps again. these steps will also help take a good clear (in focas) picture, just something for you to try if your having trouble getting your picture.
I never tested the continuous shooting( but see my battery test) but canon says it is 0.9 per sec where the sd 1200 is 1.4 shots per sec, if that is important to you. UPDATE > The 1200 does seem to be faster, quicker than the 1300 in continuous mode, how much I dont know but you can tell the difference...
* (Battery) I did test the battery (NB-6L same battery as SD1200) by using continuous shooting mode ( with the flash on ) and got well over 400 pictures and it was taking ( 1 picture every 2 seconds or less in the continuous mode( flash on ) if that helps you out on the continuous shooting part, and when I turned the flash off it seemed to do prety good coming from a newer small canon point and shoot world.
* (Battery life). In real life I get around 300 or more pictures with some of them using the flash, your still need a second battery for a backup.
* The battery has a little larger capacity at 1000mAh in the SD1300, were as the canon SD940 and the SD1400 is a smaller capacity at 760mAh if that matters to you.
** A nice backup battery is a (power2000) for canon NB-6L (1200mAh)$19.00. I have used them for years.
I really like the battery charger that comes with the camera, it is small and charges quickley, about one and a half hours the very first charge and then one hour or less there after...
Some set back the brightness of the LCD a couple of notches to save some battery. I think your new battery will do better after the first couple of charges.
* 10/30/2010 At the Columbus zoo we shot 350 pictures and a lot of them with flash on with one charge...
** Very good image quality keeping the iso at 200 and below.
I am getting about the same image quality as the SD 1200 which is very good for this small size point and shoot camera.
* As point and shoots get better we often try and compare them to digital SLRs ( speed,noise, ISOs, picture quality ) but because of the point and shoots very small sensors and craming all those mega pixels into them it is just asking to much of the little cameras....
Fewer pixels mean there's more room on the sensor and the individual pixels can be made larger to gather more light, making the camera better able to record low-noise images in low-light situations.
This is just me, but I like using the program mode and 100,200iso best and I try not to use the auto mode indoors ((auto works good outdoors in good light though, Lighting is everything. Indoors alot of times auto seems to want to use a (very high iso)(and sometimes no flash) to get low light photos, but this just results in more noise, which makes your pictures look noisy grainy or snowy looking on larger prints,(or the yellow tint that some are talking about).
* I use program mode and set the iso indoors to (( 100iso ))in good light conditions or ( 200 iso ) in poorer light indoors for the best image quality indoors with out all noise in the picture. Again auto does good outdoors in good light but keep your eye on the iso in auto indoors...
* Portrait mode does better indoors than auto in keeping the iso down. It uses 200iso and below. not bad...
*They also have taken away the supper fine quality option for the last couple of years , you just have fine and normal now, I miss the supper fine option...
The more I use this camera the more I find myself useing ( 100iso in program mode ) in good light conditions indoors or outdoors). Again indoors you might have to use 200 to get the picture you like...
** Just a side note, before judgeing the camera and your picture quality on your computer or camera screen get some pictures printed out, why I say this I thought the pictures that I took at the rest home were just ok, but I took them to the store and had 8 by 10s made and they look so so much better, you can see these pictures on this site under (view and share images on the SD1300s home page). I wish you could see the printed ones...
* A lot of the review sites blow there pictures way up and look for defects, your likely to only make 5x7 or 8x10s and not see (what they see).
If you are going to make larger prints or need a better (low light camera) and still stay in a point and shoot you could go with a canon S90, S95 or the bigger G11, G12, but (much more money I know)! Just keep the iso down at 200 and below and you will do fine...)
* The SD1300 seems to have a nice sharp lens even at the telephoto end of the zoom.
Highlights sometimes tend to blow out in very bright sun (direct light source) as with all small cameras(small sensor) this size, you can see this in some of the pictures I posted on this sight for the 1300. ( But to be fair my G11 does this also ).
I do not use I-Contrast in the program mode while shooting, some times in play back I will try it but I am not a big fan of it even then, it will brighten the picture up in dark areas but seems to increase the noise a little, again this is just me alot of people seem to like it and have good luck with it see what you think...
In auto mode you have no controll of I-Contrast and can not turn it off or on...
* I just realy like the colors in the pictures that the canon cameras produce, again thats just me thinking out loud.
Not much problem with red eye in pictures useing the SD1300 unless in a very dim lit room and there are some times when it can not modify or fix it in red-eye correction,
I have many small newer canon cameras and it is no worse or better with red eye than the rest of my newer cameras with red eye correction.
The SD1300 has a touch more style, larger LCD and a little more virsatle lens than the SD1200, but the 1200 is also a very good camera.
The SD1300 does have a weak battery door cover like the SD1200.
*No Memory card * You do not get a (SD Memory Card) with the camera, they just do not include a card anymore, just be aware so you won't be with out one.
A 4gb card ( class 4 or class 6 ) would be a good place to start (if your going to use the movie mode any at all ).
You could get by with a 2gb ( which is good for about 632 pictures ) if not using the video mode much.
A 4gig SD card would be good for 1,231 pictures.
* If your new to this digital camera stuff remember to low level format the SD card first thing.
( Save your pictures first, doing this will also erase all your pictures. )
* I have used the SD1300 for about 12 months now and is holding up very well.
* There is a date feature on the SD1300, it shows up on the right side at the bottom of the picture.
You can see it when reviewing the photo...
Push menu button and scroll down, it is the very last idem there, You have 3 choices,(off), (date), (date and time)...
When you go to take your picture your screen will have the word (DATE) on the screen above the iso reading, right side at bottom so you will know it is on...
* I carry my camera in a little phone case that has a belt clip not a loop for fast & easy on and off the belt.
* OK, your right I could lose it that way...
I definitely recommend picking up a small camera case for protection, watch out for cases using velco,the velco likes to grab ahold of you camera strap and not let go.
I also like theLowepro Apex 20 AW (Black) CASE it has room for spare battery, sd card cable, cleaning cloth). It has a little rain coat also. Good for hikers and backpackers.
The Lowepro Napoli 20 case is very nice but no room for spare battery on this one and could let dust in case, not fully inclosed.
** Casecrown ( SD1300IS 12 MP Digital Camera Carrying CaseCrown Black ) < I like these alot > Canon PowerShot SD1300IS 12 MP Digital Camera Carrying CaseCrown Compact Travel Case (Black)
Canon PowerShot SD1300IS 12 MP Digital Camera Carrying CaseCrown Compact Travel Case (Crimson) < < See my reviews on these if you have the time > >CaseCrown Protective Compact Travel Camera Case (Grey) for Canon PowerShot SD1300IS 12 MP Digital Camera
Be carefull of some of the canon cases, the metal magnet catch on the flap might or could scratch the cameras LCD screen takeing it out or puting it in the case (just my thoughts).. I am sure alot people like them and have good luck with them, this is just my opinion, The canon case I have (Canon PSC-55 Deluxe Leather Compact Case) has no room for a spare sd card or spare battery if that would help you any.
These are very nice and roomy cases, with alot of storage > Case Logic DCB-302 Compact Camera Case (Black)
Case Logic DCB-302 Compact Camera Case (Gray)
One more case to look at Case Logic QPB-201 EVA Molded Compact Camera Case (Black) Only one zipper on this one and xtra battery seems to slide out of case a tad to freely .
* In the menu mode I set the I S mode to continous.
The display overlay to grid lines(the grid lines help me take straighter pictures, you may use it for the 1/3 rule also).
I set review to 2seconds,
AF-assist beam to on,
Review info to off,
Lens retract to 0 seconds.
White ballance to auto, if this would be of any help to you.
I like using continuous shooting mode alot also.
I like to set the AF (auto focas) frame
to center (some times) instead of face AiAF and just shoot (focas) on what ever that I am shooting , this is found in the main menu setting, Again this is just me dont take this advice to the bank but check it out if you want or have the time...
I posted some pictures on this site ( see > View and share related images on main page ) for the SD1300, to give you some idea about how your pictures would look (color - sharpness - moving shots - iso noise in pictures - zooms - modes - cropped pictures), if that would help.
* Please look at everybodys pictures to see what you think before you buy the SD1300.
(( Please if mine pictures are not helpful vote them down and I will delete those, I need to delete a lot of them, please help me out here, Thanks...)
If you have any questions I will try to answer them the best I can, no camera is perfect...well not many.
My favorite SD point & shoot was a canon SD550, SD850, SD880, I thought the SD1100 and SD870 were very good looking cameras but never had a chance to use one of them, what was your fav canon SD...
I mostly take pictures of bear in the Smokey Mountians (CADES COVE) and love chaseing the grand kids around taking their pictures. ( And this year the Outter Banks NC ).
Update 2/3/2011 > The new replacement camera for the SD1300 is being called a Canon PowerShot ELPH 100 HS 12 MP CMOS Digital Camera with 4X Optical Zoom (Grey)
Comes in 5 colors (Blue, Silver, Grey, Pink and Orange)
Note one of many changes is that they did change the battery used to a NB-4L 760mAh from the NB-6L 1000mAh battery if that would be any of help.
Many other interesting changes also,some are good and some not so good , Alot of bells and whistles on this one, check it out...'
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