My twin 4-year olds got a DS, with this game, for Christmas. We never intended to get them a video game at all (for several more years, at least), but it was a gift from a beloved aunt, so what can you do? So we let them play it, now and then, and somewhat to my astonishment, they were both able to play it very well within a few hours of starting. What's particularly interesting is that neither of them can read, or even close (recognize letters is about it), or knew anything about Star Wars, but they manage just fine. Since then, they've seen at least three other DS games, but most of them require reading, or are too boring for them. With this one, there are a lot of words, but none of them matter--they just run around in Star Wars land, chopping up things and people with joyful abandon until we tear the games from their still-twitching hands. They can even play together, wirelessly; this does a really good *cooperative* multiplayer game (they're not fighting each other, so they don't get mad at each other, or competitive with each other). Their 10-year-old friend also has it, and loves it too. And I'm only slightly ashamed to admit that my wife and I sneak the games out of their chargers at night, and play it two-person almost every night after the kids are in bed. To top it all off, their grandmother just bought a DS, after watching them play this, so she can join in the fun. Truly, an enjoyable game for *all* ages--three generations in this household!--and the best *cooperative* multiplayer game I've seen since Sega Genesis Toejam & Earl. What a great present! Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
I love this game so much! its awesome! A++++++ It does get annoying that you have to complete the level before saving but it's fun. If you have the other star wars don't bother. (lego, i mean) It's basically both together. great game! i recommend it!! You save $$ buying the complete saga rather than the other two seperate.
This game is incredibly fun and I love playing it on my DS. I only have one issue and it's because I've played the PS2 version, which doesn't have this quirk: you have to complete a level before you save, which is a little annoying since the levels can be long if you're trying to get all the studs.
TT Fusion was able to pull off a great translation of LSW:TCS for DS (when keeping in mind the limitations of DS hardware).
If you love the franchise and cannot get enough of it on the next gen platforms, pick up the DS version. The levels are recognizable, but different enough to give a fresh experience.
I found none of the bugs that plagued the LSWII DS version in this one as it was built from scratch thankfully.
The DS version keeps True Jedi gold bricks for both Story mode and Free Play mode. I prefer this over the new approach with next gen LSW:TCS using a new challenge mode in replacement of a True Jedi.
Criticism: TT Fusion should have gone with a larger cartridge size so they could have had the room needed to make all 36 main levels (instead of only 30), improved some levels like Speeder Showdown to be closer to the original, and have smoother cut-scenes. The extras like Indiana Jones and good outdoor Cantina area are missing. There is a lot less incentive to collect all gold bricks.
Overall this title has set the standard for 3D DS action games. I look forward to more developments from TT Fusion.
I own both the PC versions of the trilogys and wasn't sure if the DS version would be as good.
Well, it is.
I have had so much fun playing the levels. I was hoping that I could play the game entirely with the stylus, but after a few levels I didn't even notice. One thing is that there are more levels per film in the PC versions. I believe they skip several levels here, so that there are six levels per film (i.e. A New Hope or Phantom Menace) instead of the ten or so in the PC versions. However, after playing the game and "unlocking" it, thus enableing "free play", you are able to go in with new characters and play a much longer and extended level. Loads of fun. Very cool. Nice graphics. The levels are very close to the PC version, but there are differences to make it new. Also, new mini games not in the PC version make for a very good very cool buy. It's worth the money.
The last time that the mega popular Lego Star Wars series appeared on the DS was also the first time for the series with Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. Sadly, that game was a big disappointment on the DS, but thankfully, things have started anew with Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. With a different development team at the helm, those bad memories of the DS version of Lego Star Wars II become ever distant as the gameplay is re-started from scratch. Playing through all six episodes of the Star Wars saga hasn't been this much fun on a handheld in a while, featuring a very well-designed 3-D engine that runs pretty smoothly (and without any bugs or glitches) and looks pretty good to boot. Everything else about the game, from the emulation of John Williams' classic score to the series' brand of goofy humor, is intact and oh so enjoyable, and wireless co-operative gameplay is a blast as well this time around. If there's any downsides to Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, it's that the game does have an occasional hicuppy frame-rate, and the vehicle-based portions of the game are a little hard to get the hang of at first. All that aside, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a pure blast, and for DS owning Star Wars fans, consider this an essential pick-up and wipe those bad memories of Lego Star Wars II away.
We got this game for our son's 8th birthday. He got several other games but this is the one that he plays over and over again (for 3 months now). He has played 2 other DS lego games and I must say, you can not go wrong with any of them. The one thing that I did not like is the fact that to "link" with another DS and play a multi player game, you both have to have the game. Most DS games are like this and I did not understand that when we purchased the game. To check before you buy a game, it tells you multi-card or single-card on the top right on the back of the game. - Lego Star Wars - Nintendo Ds Lite - Video Games - Star Wars'
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