Friday, 23 July 2010
Windows Vista - electronics, transfer cable
I left all my old photos, videos, and some files on an old, nearly dead desktop. I moved some over with a memory stick (what a pain), but planned to get more off later. Well, six months passed and I finally decided to do it. I had this shipped overnight. I did the software thing on both computers and I picked the files and settings I wanted and within a half an hour my new computer had ALL the files. It even pulled the mp3 files which I bought on the old system but the new system wouldnt pick up (the media rights thing). I was thrilled. Now I have my music collection complete, all my videos saved, and all the files I need. It worked so easy and so clean. Cables Unlimited Easy Transfer Cable for Windows Vista
Although it doesn't say it will, it also doesn't explicitly say that it won't work as a transfer cable between two XP machines. For most software and options XP and Vista are interchangeable and if it says it can transfer between XP and Vista, I think it is logical to assume that between two XP machines would also be possible.. Having bought this item, I then find on the documentation, that NO it will only work between XP and vista.
I just think it should have been written as an explicit point in the description. Even better.. publish the documentation as part of the product description.
I have now found two cables that should work between two XP machines. The Tornado and Targus ACC96US High-Speed File Transfer Cable. I am waiting on the Targus.
A very common problem with Windows XP is that it frequently begins not recognizing new hardware plugged into the computer's USB ports. If your XP computer is having this problem, the cable is useless. Your XP system will not allow you to "install" the cable -- in other words, the XP system will not recognize the cable and will only give you "install" errors for the USB device.
If your XP system is still recognizing new USB devices, then I would guess that it will work just fine. But if you have the XP/USB recognition problem, don't bother.
Purchased based off of price which is less that half of the other choices and one review that stated it works with Windows 7. When I received my shipment one of the first things I noticed is a new sticker on the package that states "Supports Windows 7" so I felt a little easier about my decision. I was transferring files from an XP machine to a new Windows 7 machine. I needed to install the "Easy Transfer Wizard" to the XP machine, this was already installed on the Windows 7 machine. The process to transfer the files was simple. Just started the easy transfer program on the XP & Windows 7 computers, set which files needed transferred and away it went. The process did take a few hours however but it was successful.
IMPORTANT: if you are transferring email accounts & settings from outlook or outlook express you will need to have the matching program installed on the new computer. The transfer process moves only files, attachment, settings, etc... It will not transfer your installed programs.
Hope this helps anyone and everyone.
I bought a new computer because the old computer stopped making the monitor work. Bought the transfer cable to get some files I didn't want to lose transfered to the new computer. Fortunately, my most important files were saved on a flash drive. The only way to make the transfer cable work is to load the files from the disc onto the old computer. Since there is no monitor, I cannot control the download. Emailed the transfer cable company to ask for help. They replied that I bought the wrong cable. Right cable costs another $35.00. Not ready as yet to spend more on files I don't really need.
Ron Clasky - Transfer Cable - Data Transfer - Electronics - File Transfer'
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