I sell real estate, and find myself needing to make calls from my car. Trying to look someone up while driving is difficult and unsafe, so I was so happy to find Vlingo. I can tap one button on my home screen, and say "Call Dave cell" and it will dial him. It will also read text messages and e-mails to me, and allow me to "type" a text without having to type. Just say "Text Dave meet me at the house" and it will do it.
The only reason I'm giving this a 4 instead of 5 star review is because it isn't totally accurate. It's good enough, but I do sometimes have to repeat myself a couple of times. I'll say "call Parent's cell" and it will try to dial a client named Karen ...nell. Occasionally I'll hit the widget button to have it activate, and it won't work and I have to tap it a second time.
Overall, very minor complaints given the functionality of this program. If I had to pay for it, I'd be a little more picky :-) Vlingo - Virtual Assistant
I can see the potential and hoped it would improve my hands free experience in the car. However, vlingo took over my phone. It got to the point where i could not talk on my phone. Even away from the car, if i were to make a call, the person would not be able to hear me. I ended up removing vlingo and my phone worked fine immediately after uninstalling. Good luck.
It is a perfect complement to the android phone. For the most part, I simply use the voice keyboard (change the keyboard to vlingo) so that I can type when I want, and use voice to dictate my text when I don't. It is accurate to about 80% to 90% of the time, even with my accent.
I had Vlingo for Blackberry and Safereader worked perfectly on it. So far with my Droid Incredible Safereader only works part of the time or none of the time........and when it does work to read my emails out loud, it doesn't read who the email is from or the subject, just the body of the email itself. Disappointing so far, I hope the developers fix Safereader!
Why is it only 2.0.2 when updated version in Market is I did install this version on my Evo and I must say after missing a few features and being a bit unstable, I went with the Market Version.
I have tried every setting in this program and still it refuses to announce anything through my bluetooth. Using Motorolla H17 so it is capable. Also the program started reading deleated email @ 3am and would not stop. I had to shut off the phone. I want to deleat this app, but has no option to do so in program or market. BOOOOO!!!!!! - Voice Recognition - Productivity - Communication'
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