So I was a dummy and bought the latest The Sims 3 "Stuff Pack" called "Town Life Stuff."
Total waste of time and money, as usual. "Stuff Packs" are a couple useless trinkets for $20. In this case, they also added the washing machines that I *already bought* from The Sims 3 online store. So, that was another complete waste of money.
Therefore, EA has taught me a valuable lesson: I WILL NEVER BUY FROM THE ONLINE STORE or STUFF PACKS AGAIN.
Also, when I installed, they patched my game to version 1.23. However, none of the official delta patches I could find links to will upgrade from 1.23 to the latest, 1.24. So, this required me to download the 680.2MB comprehensive patch.
Recommendation: update the base game to 1.24 before installing this. You'll probably only need a ~90MB delta patch.
Better recommendation: Don't buy this.
When will diehards stop buying Stuff Packs? This one just did. A couple hairstyles, touched-up venues, and a paltry few outfits. All for just $20. Oh, look, it's a much better deal than buying from the online store. Yes, it is. But just because a terrible deal is better than a horrible deal doesn't negate the fact that it's still a terrible deal!
By the way, this Stuff Pack only takes up 133MB on the DVD-ROM it's shipped on. The other 1.7GB is for Mac + PC patches to get you to 1.23, which you probably don't want if you can help it. The Sims 3: Town Life Stuff
Yep ...
So I am a true die hard sims player. I play a couple hours daily (or every other day).
This pack is probably the worse stuff pack since fastlane.
Very few things, I think a few outfits, a couple hair styles, some items and some new public places.
The public places are nice, the Gym, restaurant, a park, Laundry mat & Library, I all liked those (there is also a new produce store and another store I believe)
They are nice but really something that any avid player can create.
The new items are alright but there is only about 15 or so (if that)
I am pretty disappointed in this one. I think I might not get stuff pack anymore, seems to be a bit of a waste. I dont mind buying it if there is more items but this is very little.
There is a reason for my review title; let me start by saying that I really do love playing the Sims 1, 2, & 3 and even if the last few stuff packs had crappy 'stuff' (Outdoor Living being the worst for me, personally), I did not have to think twice about buying this one. That being said, this stuff pack didn't redeem any high marks from me either. I am still the highest rater for this particular stuff pack with a whopping three stars (so far, as of July 31st), but I'm pretty bias toward this game, as a whole. That's my disclaimer.
Anyway, here's the reason for my review title: Women Sims get about 4 shirts in their general wardrobe, men get the same (but the clothes are rather hideous, as usual), and you get a little under 20 new items to 'decorate' your town. That equals about 25 new items for $20. The preloaded buildings (five in all; a library, a laundromat, a cafe called Nibbles that serves nauseating food to your celebrity Sim just about EVERY TIME, a gym, and a Prep school for kids)-- two being 'rabbit-holes.' The buildings are pretty, but with the exception of the Prep school, I have seen better looking buildings in Custom Content, but I would never suggest downloading CC unless you're comfortable with it.
So I liked the game enough to purchase it (at a discount from Amazon, of course), but I knew this was only a filler for the time-gap between now and Pets to arrive in October. Therefore, you should probably wait to buy the bulk at a discount or if you are a die-hard, you can buy it now but don't expect anything that you can't get from the Sims 3 website.
And the washer/dryer is the same item offered for sale in the store (so please don't be fooled by the "all-new" washer/dryer combo on the front packaging either).
Town Life Stuff is a waste of money. I was hoping it would have revamped the town, but it's basically just a download of new community properties that you have to place yourself. Most of the community properties, like a grocery store, the town already has. There were 2 new adult female hair styles, a couple of outfits, and that's about it. It definitely is not worth the price.
Shame on the other reviewers? No, shame on me...I specifically vowed NOT to buy another stuff pack for the Sims 3 since buying the very first one released and being highly disappointed. But as soon I got the email for this release, I pounced on it. Darn my weakness for all things Sims!!!
EA, once again, leads players astray with false advertising. You see cool looking buildings in the TL pics released that make you think, "Ugh, finally. Some better build/buy stuff". Wrongo. There are 3 new rabbit-holes and 7 pre-built lots that could look a little better in my opinion. They threw in a new washer/dryer set, a sink, and some other dilley dallies not worth mentioning...Matter of fact, there are about two or three new doors/windows. That's it.
I caught on to the scheme of things with Sims 3 early on after the release of the base game. The EPs and Stuff packs just don't have anything on the ones released for Sims 2. They were truly worth buying. It seems like this go around, EA's more concerned on milking the game for what it's worth by releasing a little bit here and there and still charging an arm and a leg for it. Although, I'll give it to them. I'm not highly disappointed like I was over the other stuff pack I bought. I'm just... disgusted. *sigh*
This pack is quite different from ones in the past - it focuses on enhancing the town, not your house.
The good thing about the new buildings (cafe, gym, laundromat, etc.) is that they are small lots (20 x 30), with the exception of the school. You can either replace some buildings in an existing town or make room for all. If you choose to have two schools in the area, it works like real life - your Sim goes to the one closest to his/her house. However if your Sim works at the school, he/she now has the option for which school he/she would like to work.
Of course there are new objects that you can use even at home - tread mill, lap top, washer, dryer, etc. alongside a couple of new hairstyles and clothes.
For a stuff pack, it is what it is supposed to be - stuff. Nothing extremely big (ex: seasons, new neighborhoods) should ever be expected from one because that is the expansion pack's job.
Overall, it is not the worst thing ever (it's only $20); you may find it boring if you have no interest in bettering your town.
I do not regret buying it, but I give it only three stars because it was a good concept, but having just buildings (but upgraded) we already have in the game should not have been it. They should have had those but a couple of really new buildings like a bowling alley. Also why there are new items as mentioned, they are not anything brand new or bigger.'
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