I bought this to replace an old 5.8 system with poor range.
Initial impressions:
Pros: Good price, clear sound.
Cons: No speed dial, no button to dial phone service voicemail number, screen is small, only way to tell you have a phone service voicemail is a small line on the screen. The latter means you cannot tell from across the room if you have a voicemail from your phone service-you have to pick up the phone and look at it.
Came back as I've discovered more. It is definitely going back.
The voice mail indicator does not come on until after you hit the talk button. Also, the missed call indicator goes out as soon as you put the phone back in the charger. These must be defects.
Other things I do not like: there is no way I've found to change the volume on the ringer on the base station. Also, changing volume on each handset requires a laborious trip through the menu system. Panasonic KX-TG4023N DECT 6.0 PLUS Expandable Digital Cordless Answering System with 3 Handsets
The phones work great. They exhibit excellent battery life and are clear in sound quality. I really love the different ring tones they have. I really like the intercom function from one station to another. Now my wife doesn't need to yell at me from upstairs - she can use the intercom function on the handset.
My only complaint with these phones is the paint they use below some of the buttons. After 2-3 weeks of usage, the paint has completely worn off. The actual buttons stay great, it's only the paint that has disappeared. This is the only phone I have had this happen with. So, as long as you remember the functions of the buttons, and don't need the painted labels, you will be fine.
I was surprised. I have owned panasonic phones and they have been all right. These are junk. One doesn't work. No headphone jack. Sound is bad. Have to click extra to get to caller id list. It was not worth it. I hate these ugly silver phones. Don't do it.
All of the printing on the face of the phone came off in a few weeks and the sound quality was terrible.
Sent it back to Amazon and they charged me 12.00 and I can't get an answer as to why.
Not very happy with either co. right now and will purchase products elsewhere from now on.
We got this phone system for use with another phone system/answering machine to add some extra phones. Our house is two floors so it's nice to have extra phones where you need them. We use Vonage and use their answering service, so I haven't tried the answering machine. One minor complaint is that there is only a small line on the screen to tell you that you've got a message with Vonage's voicemail. Our other phones the Uniden DECT1588-5 Corded / Cordless Phone Combo that I reviewed on 12/30/08 has a flashing red light that tells us when we have calls and is much easier to see from a distance. One other complaint is that the lettering below some of the buttons wears off very quickly, so you have to remember what their functions are. (The numbers on the keys do not wear off.) The screen is a little small and the lettering for the basic functions is rather small.
The thing I like about these phones is the price, which is very reasonable. It has nice ring tones and you can store numbers in the phone book but there isn't any speed dial. The sound and range is very good and they work well with Vonage and the other phone system. We do have to connect the main phone to the modem for Vonage, but the other extensions can go anywhere in the house. I purchased a GE TL96572 25 Foot Dual Jack Phone Cord in order to use the two phone systems on one line out of the modem. We don't have any interference with the other phone lines in the house or with the wireless router and other electronic equipment.
The phone does what we need it to do. We're mainly concerned with the sound, range and battery life which all work well on this phone.
This phone is great in all aspects. If you have any type of wireless router in the house, this phone works amazing. One knock I do have on the phone though is the fact just the black letters on the handsets smudge off within days. So I just decided to take a cloth and wipe them off. Just the words in black. Distance is very good and all calls are clear with Vonage.
These phones are a great value. They seem to work just fine. I love the very basic answering system. Overall, I am happy with this purchase. I would recommend them to anyone looking for a good quality phone system.
After working in a call center, I HATE having a phone. We went without one for years until it was costing us more with our tv package than the basic package for phone service would. Even with the ringers off, when the caller leaves a message, EVERY RECEIVER PICKS UP THE MESSAGE AND PLAYS IT ON THE SPEAKER PHONE! My mother is one that will call and talk to the machine or yes...even the animals and it is so annoying when I am trying to give my girls a bath or have company over to sit and listen to her talk. We have yet to find a way to turn it off.
I returned the phone after using it a week or so. There were 2 reasons for it:
1. The prints on the phone body started disappearing from the touch of the fingers.
2. The readings on the phone display was impossible to see, making it very difficult to identify who was calling.
We could not leave with those 2 problems. - Answering Machine - Telephone - Cordless Phones - Dect'
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