I played the Wii version of this game (which is a fine game too) and expected the DS version to be watered down like the DS version of Ghostbusters (not recommended). I was wrong. This is almost a perfect port of the console game.
The game is divided up into 4 episodes. Like the original show there is a mystery which by the end of the episode you (hopefully) solve. The game play is well done. You feel like you are in a cartoon, the cut scenes are very good and feature voice acting from the characters in the recent Scooby doo dvd film.
My only complaint is Scooby is a little on the easy side. Of course you are probably reading this to decide to whether to buy the game for your children at Christmas and the difficulty is perfect for a child, the easy difficulty makes this a good game for an adult as it works well in a pick up play for a few minutes type of situation as well.
The bottom line is it's fun and worth your money. Your kids won't be disappointed if they find this under the tree and you may have some fun with it as well.
I hope developers will take note of how to do a DS port right and put the time and effort into future releases as is evident in this game. Scooby Doo First Frights
I bought this game for my daughter but I borrowed it to take it on a trip from Honolulu to Los Angeles which is about a five hour flight.
The game play felt really good in terms of character control. The objectives for each level is somewhat easy. I like how they incorporate the touch screen area to unlock certain items. The storyline of each level is written pretty good. Each of the characters has a unique "attack" feature which is required for specific tasks which I thought was a very interesting feature to have. The in game video cut-scenes were pretty good. They help you to identify clues for each mystery in the level that you are on. Another thing is when you die on a level, it automatically re-spawns the character and never ends the game.
The only things that I didn't like were the music became annoying after awhile. On each level, they play one song that loops and loops and loops so that could get to you. The other thing that I thought was quite odd was trying to find all the "Scooby Doo" tags that are hidden on each level. On a majority of the levels, they were either hard to find or hard to get too. But on others, they were real east to get.
Overall, I would recommend this game to kids who are at least five years old only because it does take some thinking on what to do and how to accomplish the task.
I purchased this game for my son for Christmas. He is 6 years old so I was worried he may not be able to play this game well, since the age is 10+. However, he loves this game. It ranks up there with Mario!
I bought this DS game for my 7yr. old daugther for Christmas. She has about 6 DS games in all. This by far is her favorite. Chooses to play this one 9 out of 10 times. Great graphics. Was a bit challenging on the first day or two but she is having a blast with it now!
I bought this as a present for my kids who are Scooby Doo fans; and figured it would be a fun game for them to play on their DS.
However, after setting it up for them and trying it out - it became rather addictive. Its a fun game, with 4 episodes; each of which contain various different levels for extra game play! Each episode has its only story line in which you search for clues to solve the mystery and like the series itself, unmask the crook! The episodes include little cartoons that walk you through the story and take you through the different components to the game.
It has simple controls so kids will have no problem playing and does not require reading - younger kids might need a little help from their parents to figure out what the objective is, or to complete some of the more difficult challenges such as the "Boss" where you fight off a larger monster that takes a little more time and effort, but the game is fun and entertaining and will keep kids engaged!
For older family members and parents - it has enough game play to keep you engrossed for sometime and if you enjoy adventure type games, you will like this. I am a Professor Layton fan and though this does not have any taxing mind challenges, the story line was enough to make this my favorite game outside of the Layton series!
This also allows you to play in multiplayer mode with other DS owners which is a nice feature!
All in all this is a great game!!
my 7 year old daughter got this for her birthday and she LOVES it! She is a big Scooby Doo fan, and she picked it up quickly. About a month later, she has made it through all the levels, but she can continue to play--she just already has the clues. She seems to still enjoy it--and was proud to make it all the way through.
My six year old was able to figure out this game with no problems. He is in kindergarten and just learning how to read, but he has made it through without even asking for help. What's really funny is we just got a DSi for our daughter for her 17th birthday, and she really loves the game too! It really is good for anyone.
The beginning is for all ages, even the youngest (3) could play and that's nice. But the further the game goes the more difficult it gets. All in all, it took them (3-6-9yrs old) 3 weeks to crack it, so everybody happy! Even daddy played a bit ;-)
This game allows you to solve the mystery....My son says it's like mommy's CSI game on the Wii. He loves detective games. This game is for your child if they like to really interact with the game they are playing. - Nintendo Ds Game - Scooby-doo - Adventure - Nintendo Ds'
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