Sunday, 3 July 2011

Kundalini Yoga - beginners yoga, kundalini yoga

I ordered this video because it was the number one rated yoga dvd on Amazon. I'm a beginner and thought this would be an excellent introduction to an amazing yoga experience.

First - the young lady (Anna?) demonstrates proper form and breathing very well, BUT a I felt like a slacker not keeping up with her.

I overdid it, felt sick to my stomach and dizzy and put the tape away for a while. Then, I did a little research. Found out what could be causing the nausea:

1. I shouldn't by trying to keep up with Anna. The moves may look very simple, but I need to take it slower.

2. Some the the moves (twisting) are focusing on cleansing and massaging inner organs that have been sitting idle full of toxins for a long time.

3. Incorrect breathing can also cause nausea.

I did some research, learned how to practice the long breaths. I'm also going to stop trying to keep up with Anna and move at my own relaxed pace and focus on the breath and proper form.

Other things I learned are:

1. Not to eat an hour before, but hydrate well.

2. Drink water after the workout to help get rid of the toxins that have been released during the workout.

MUCH better experience. Kundalini Yoga for Beginners & Beyond NEW! Now with the **MATRIX** MENU OPTION!!!

I first read about the 5 Tibetan rites about 2 years ago and tried to do them on a daily basis. Like most people I find it hard to do exercises from a book. I need someone to do them with me. This DVD is perfect. It starts off with a basic spinal set " rise and spine" and ends with Sat Kriya (my favorite) The second set is the 5 Tibetan rites. Albeit in reverse order than what is written in the books. But that's Ok because Ravi's exercise order seems to work better for the spine and compliments set 1. He also adds a kundalini spin to the camel exercise. The original doesn't include bowing forward and camel and breath of fire. Ravi's version is so much better. The magic number for the rites is 21 reps. Ana doesn't count, but if you want to track your progress you can mentally count your reps. The books say that you should work up to 21 and not go over that number as you will not derive any more benefits by increasing the reps over 21. Whatever! It works and it feels great! Love it Love it! The meditation at the end of set 2 is to feel you pulse in your finger tips and say sat nam to each pulse. This requireds SO much concentration that it takes you to another plane. Thank you Ravi and Ana.

I always do extensive research before deciding on a purchase and when I decided to try a yoga DVD I stuck with my program. I asked around, I read all the reviews (though I don't have much faith in most of the reviews out there), I surfed the web and looked at many many clips . My criteria for a perfect beginner Yoga DVD were:

a)The instructor should be a real yoga master with many years of experience - no ex-actresses or aerobic instructors.

b) no need for props, ie. ropes, balls, blocks, blankets etc...

c) short sets ( as a beginner I may not be able to do more then 30 minutes at a stretch. I also do other fitness and want a short yoga routine as an add-on)

d) preferrably no cliche new age sounds which make me cringe - birds chirping, bells, oceans. Something a litlle more urban and edgy would be nice.

e) finally, I was looking for a real yoga workout. I wanted to experience yoga at its rawest i.e., no fluff, no excessive talking at the start. I just wanted to be able to get right to a workout that would stretch, strengthen, relax and inspire me

And that is exactly what I got with Ravi Singh & Ana Brett's Kundalini Yoga for Beginners & Beyond. It's a really great program! I actually happened to find it at my library, tried it and paused it halfway while I ordered from Amazon. I knew this was the one:Two 25 minute sets from 2 long time yogis. Ravi Singh has been teaching 30 plus years. Ms Brett has been doing it since childhood.

The way it's sequenced really builds in a way that open your body very gradually and I think it is excellent for someone looking for a complete, gentle yet thorough, yoga practice. Not only is this a completely doable enjoyable workout for a newcomer to yoga like myself but I feel this is one I can still continue to do no matter how far I advance. In other words: this one is a classic.

I look forward to trying other of the Ravi & Ana workouts.

This is a wonderful DVD for beginners to start with and progress at a comfortable pace. The most challenging on this DVD was a camel pose and beginners would have to do a modified version (which is briefly demonstrated). After practically each active exercise there is a few minute long meditation break, which allows even to beginner enough time to rest and continue at a comfortable pace until the end of DVD. I was delighted that this DVD contains Tibetan Rite exercises. I have started doing them some 10 - 15 years ago from a book, but have now found it's even more fun going over the Tibetan rites with the DVD. And I was also thrilled that the active exercises include the locks which further help to prevent the leakage of energy and to move the energy up the spine.

I am not a yoga practitioner. I cannot bend into any pretzel positions and my sense of balance isn't that of a dancer's. However, I had heard about Kundalini yoga- how it is as much mental as physical, how it doesn't require you to bend into difficult shapes, how it focuses on meditation and mental calm, and how you can actually move and dance while doing it. All of that is true, although not all true about this DVD. This is an excellent beginning DVD- you can do a 30 minute or 60 workout. Much emphasis is placed on meditation in between each exercise. Yes, there are a few stretches and positions that newcomers will find challenging, but the instructors quickly provide alternative positions. Try this DVD after a stressful day when you really don't want to exercise, but know you should-- the mental focus and the breathing exercises will help you focus on the present and forget your worries. If your mind wanders, as they say, just let it come back to you.

I didn't need to lose weight when I started this program so that was not a goal- I just wanted to exercise more than I had been and it definitely got me doing that. As a bonus within about two weeks of using it my jeans and other clothes fit much better and I noticed more muscle definition/less fat particularly around the mid-section. I suspect if you combine this workout with a diet, you'll experience even greater results.

My only complaint is that at the beginning and the end of the routine the woman is dancing in a free-form joyful way-- I wish that were part of the workout. Perhaps it's on another DVD. In any case, this is a great DVD for stress reduction, stretching, mind-body awareness, and as a way to ease back into exercising if you haven't been working out a lot. I highly recommend it. - Kundalini Yoga - Yoga Dvd - Beginners Yoga - Yoga For Beginners'

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