Sunday, 3 July 2011

Motion Sensor Outlet

A solid product as long as there is a significant load on the plug. If you do not have a decent amount of current being drawn, the unit will not turn off. I tried to hook this up to a Drinkwell Pet fountain that is basically a low current pump. The unit turns on, but will not turn off. After reading the "fine print" in the literature included with the device, found the minimal load requirement. SensorPlug Motion Sensor Outlet Plug

I purchased two of these units and neither works. I have a 16" floor fan plugged into the unit so it would turn on when I walked in the room and circulate air while in the room (had the timer set on max time). Both units seem to time out OK, but only cut off approx 10% of the time. While in another room, I often hear the fan cut off when the unit timed out, but it would immediately start back up. I'm guessing 10% of the time, it would actually stay off when it timed out.

I would also liked to have had more range on the sensor, but that's a toss-up depending on your intended application-if you want it to turn on only when relatively close, fine-if you want it to sense motion at longer distances (my application), it was a bit lacking.

Sent an e-mail to the manufacturer with no reply-was going to return for replacement, but I've since found a similar unit at my local Harbor Freight that seems to work, so I'm sending 'em back to the maker for a refund (per their warranty).

The unit I'm replacing these with has more range and a switch on the side to select 5, 10, or 30 minutes. I like the definitive time settings on my replacements rather than the variable dial timer on these units.


Not much to recommend, since neither of mine worked correctly


Would like a longer sensing range (possibly adjustable)

Temperature operating range is way to narrow!

Variable timer located on back of unit-have to unplug to change settings

Timer not marked-timer setting is guesswork (not that bad a problem)

I have this connected to two halogen lights in my apartment and I like not having to worry about wasting energy when I leave a light on in one room but end up spending too much time in another.

It has some issues, though. I quickly learned that this is a motion detector and not a "presence" detector, so if you need your light to stay on, the plug must be able to see your constant movements. Sitting at the computer, the light would turn off, so I had to move the plug under my desk in order for the sensor to see my feet move. Before, it was too far from me to see my smaller arm movements, but moving to closer solved it.

If you plan to use it attached to a reading light, forget it. You'll stay motionless longer than the sensor will keep the light lit.

When the weather turns cold and you come in from outside, there's a good chance the sensor won't see you. Just take off your jacket and, ta-dah, light!

This is not appropriate for every situation, but if you find you could benefit from it, you'll be glad you bought it.

First of all, I'd like to say how pleasurable it is to shop online here at here at The whole buying and shipping process is always a breeze and I hardly shop anywhere else online now.

I moved to a new-to-me house in November and stepping into the garage was like falling into a black hole ... had to fumble around for a not very well located light switch and wait for the fluorescent lights to flicker on. The situation was inconvenient and possibly unsafe when in a hurry.

Enter the "SensorPlug Motion Sensor Outlet Plug". Wow ... what a difference. It is located where opening the door from the kitchen triggers the sensor immediately and turns on the lamp plugged into it "quick as a flash", so to speak. I couldn't be happier.

I have it set to operate all the time as the garage is always dark enough to need a light. It can be set to keep the power on for 2-6 minutes after the last movement ... I find two minutes more than adequate and saves a little electricity.

The directions say it may not work correctly below 40-50*F ... my garage has been down to 35*F (outside temp 24*F) and the sensor still worked fine.

I am very happy with this product. Recommended.'

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Motion Sensor Outlet Motion Sensor Outlet Motion Sensor Outlet