Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Ipad 2 Cover - ipad screen protector, ipad 2

I used to hate these too, you guys. Then I got a job where I had to install them for people and I was horrified at first, but once someone showed me how it was EASY. I promise.

Cleanliness is an absolute must. Spray the screen, wipe it down. I know it doesn't need to be dry because you're going to get it wet again, but DRY IT. If you don't, you won't be able to see that piece of lint that will forever leave a bubble. after you dry it, wipe it with a separate dry cloth, preferably the one included. Then hold the iPad 2 (or other device) up, as if it were laying flat, at eye level. This way you can see if you missed anything small that you couldn't see while looking straight down at it.

Now the main thing is don't be afraid to really soak it. They say not to spray the screen but my boss told me it was a must. Just turn the iPad off first. I, and my coworkers, installed a ton of these, totally soaking them, and I never saw a customer come back and say something was wrong with their device. So really saturate the screen, the shield, and your hands. This will allow you to slide the shield around with ease to align it properly. (When I say "soak" I don't mean dip it in the sink. I just mean make sure that every part of the screen is damp. You might consider covering the outlets and other holes with something. Tape, tissues, whatever.) If you run out of solution at some point, refill the bottle with water OR water with a drop or two of dish soap. You can also buy extra solution from Zagg.

Once you have it aligned, spray the top of the shield. If you don't, the squeegee with catch on the rubbery texture of the shield and pull it out of place.

Next, make sure you put one hand on the shield to secure it while you start to squeegee out the solution. Again, if you don't, the squeegee may slide the shield out of place. This is assuming the shield slides very easy, because you totally soaked it, right??

The rest is pretty easy and fun. Squeegee it out as best you can without pushing too hard, because this may distort the shape slightly. You may see some slight lines or bubbles, but they should go away in 48 hours.

DO NOT put it in a case for 48 hours or the edges may pull up, it may not dry properly, etc.

A lot of people complain that they have to put it on and take it off repeatedly because it's hard to align, too sticky, etc. This is because they did not use enough solution and it a very easy fix. I hate for your experience to be ruined because of something so simple. ZAGG InvisibleSHIELD for iPad 2, Full Body (APPIPADTWOLE)

I've installed a number of Zagg invisibleshields over the past few years. They aren't perfect, but do a nice job of protecting high priced items from scratches. I bought these at a Best Buy when the iPad 2 came out. THEY DO NOT LINE UP RIGHT. The holes are waaay off. If you buy these you will only make yourself furious for even trying. I called Zagg customer service (after Best Buy told me I'd have to call them to get it replaced). First she told me that she could send me another one but that I wouldn't get it for 3-5 weeks due to such a high demand from customers. I told her that was ridiculous and that I could walk into my local Best Buy and get another one tomorrow. Once I told her that she told me the truth. She said the dimensions of their shield for the iPad 2 were miscalculated and that they are pulling them from the stores until they fix them. She told me that if I chose to send it back to them they will have me another one in 3-5 weeks or when the new product is ready (which could be longer!!) I asked her if I could get the new one shipped over night to me when it came in, and she said "No, that their policy is 3-5 day shipping (or longer) for replacements." So now I am out $40 for the first one and have to wait at least another month before I get a replacement, if it ever even comes in.

What a bunch of BS, not to mention that the customer service person was rude, and acted like I should have know not to buy them right when the iPad 2 came out. I won't be buying from Zagg again and will take my business to one of their competitors. Recommend you do the same to avoid this type of frustration.

it's a nice product in the sense that it covers up your iPad pretty well, and doesn't leave any air bubbles. there's this liquid solution that you sprayon to the sticky side so that when you lay it on to your ipad, there are zero air bubbles. if any show up, they are easy to get rid of using the spatula. the liquid moves into the air pocket and the air pocket disappears into the edges and out of sight. pretty smart.

the cover is nice too because it's kind of soft. almost like a thin version of self healing pads. if you're not familiar wit those, they're the pads you stick under a piece of paper you're cutting with an xacto knife. so this is another nice point the product has.

now for the bad points, and the reasons why i will not buy a zagg cover for my ipad 2.

it collects dust. like really collects dust. i guess the area i live in can get pretty dusty, but not even my iPhone (with no cover) collects dust like the zagg cover does. it collects it so badly that when i pick it up at the end of the day from being away all day you can see prominent streaks of dust when you start to drag your finger around the screen. one time i swept up all the dust with my finger and collected it and was able to collect enough to make a little ball as big as the end of a match. you might think my room was uber dusty, but i have a desktop mac with the same sort of screen, and there was no dust on it. only on my ipad. i brought my ipad to work (enclosed building) and left it on my desk. it collected just as much dust.

another thing about the zagg cover is that it absorbs dyes. so on my ipad 1, after covering it with a zagg cover, i placed it in the APPLE IPAD COVER (yes, the one that APPLE made...the black one that also collects dust, sheesh). after about a week in that case, i decided to take the ipad out and clean it. imagine sweeping the dust off with my finger. most came off, but some would get jammed onto the crevaces in the corners. annoying for someone as OC as i am. anyway, when i took the ipad out, i noticed that the zagg cover in the back had absorbed the dye from my APPLE IPAD COVER. now the back of my ipad had blue marks all over (the cover is black, but the zagg back shield was stained blue - it should make sense).

anyway, when the cover got stained blue, i got kind of annoyed. the cover was less than a month old. taking it back to the store was not an option, because if i did that, they'd have to take the cover off, collect something like $10 from me to send it back to their head quarters, then have me wait like a month before a new cover got back to me. a cover that would probably pick up stains as well.

so i wrote zagg, and took a picture of the stains and told them i had gotten that cover less than a month ago. for $40!!! and that adding another $10 to wait 3 weeks for the next cover made no sense at all, in terms of customer service. the first guy i talked to told me he there was nothing else to do. that these were the terms of the company. he was an idiot, and obviously an "outsourced" guy from another country who knew nothing about customer service and was trained only to read pamphlets of pre-written answers that he probably didn't understand himself. i remember asking him how it made sense that i'd have to pay and additional $10 (apart from the $40 i had already put down)to wait 3 weeks for a new cover that i had for a short time that was probably going to absorb stains again. i guess there was no answer for that in his pamphlets so he left me with an "i'm sorry ma'am this is all we can do for you." so i wrote the president of the company (they provide the address on the site) and showed him images. on his first response (like 2 hours later) he told me not to worry and that they'd send me a new one right away. i would have preferred a full refund, but at this point i just figured i'd be careful with this new cover.

but then the ipad 2 came out. i was able to sell my first ipad, but since my dad had an ipad 1, i decided to give it to him. he's not complaining because he got it for free and i told him to keep it away from anything with dye.

oh, and it's not finger print resistant.

here's what the stains looked like

[...] - Ipad 2 - Ipad Screen Protector - Zagg - Ipad 2 Cover'

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  • ipad 2 cover