This is the most advanced and forward thinking 3 channel heli I have ever flown. Great responsiveness and it even banks like a four channel heli. Great build quality and design. I am very excited about this heli....ordered another one today. Only down side is that this model is brand new so product support such as parts are going to be a lot harder to find. Like what I have seen so far when flying it. Trim levels are easy enough to adjust and the hovering on this model is very stable for a single blade configuration. The speed on this thing is definitely past what any other three channel has to offer. The characteristics are far more like a 4 channel with servos that affect the pitch of the blades, vs every other 3 channel that is fixed blade and usually a coax/ double blade configuration.
I would not recommend this heli to someone who has never flown a rc helicopter. Start with another Syma Heli, there is a mini s107, regular double horse which is roughly the same size as this one and the volitation which is 26 inches, a fairly large heli. The volitation is great for beginners as well as the s107. I own both and they provide a stable platform to work with while learning to control rc choppers. Both don't take kindly to light winds, but besides that they are great to fly. All syma's have lights found throughout the frame of the chopper. Night flying with any of these models has to be my favorite pastime. I hope you enjoy this addictive hobby and happy flying regardless of what ever model you choose. New Double Horse 9100 "Hover" 3-Channel Sports R/C Helicopter w/ Built in Gyroscope
I have been trying to learn how to fly rc helicopters now for 1 year. I have at least 14 broken heli's around my house, but now I have a lot of experience, and I can fly a 4ch. So, anybody who is wanting to get started flying rc helicopters, here's is a few pointers that I can pass on to you.
1. Start out with a Syma s107 3 ch. this is hands-down the best 3ch heli, very accurate.
2. Next heli would be a Mini-X 6025, this is a tiny 4"long, 3ch heli. These little heli's are extremely accurate, cute, and so much fun to fly.
3. Now, the Double Horse "Hover" 3ch 9100 Helicopter. These heli's are a little harder to fly, but with a little practise you will get-it. This is actually a 3ch collective- pitch heli. Now after you can fly this heli with confidence ,, you will be good enough to move up to just about any 4ch co-axial heli, which is a 4ch heli with the double-blades.
Esky Big Lama 4ch is a great heli for out-side to fly. Blade MCX is a good 4ch to start out with inside. I sincerely hope some of this experience will help someone else that is getting started in the rc heli's. Good Luck!!! and have fun.
Just bought one of these 9100's and the S107 coaxial. The S107 is super simple to fly and rock stable. If you're looking for a heli to play around with indoors, and have never flown one, the S107 is hard to beat. It's durable and capable of precision flight. I have it at work and store it on top of my computer. I can fly it off and land it back to the same place. Lots of fun.
The 9100 will fly but it is a little more tricky to control. It's very fast and responsive, which usually means not a good trainer. Once you can stay ahead of it, it's pretty smooth flying. Regarding it pulling left on take off, mine does that too. The way to take off is just give it enough power to overcome the left tendency. And turn (right) away from the direction it's pulling as soon as airborne. It takes a bit of getting used to, but I can hover with this one and fly simple patterns with it. For first flights, make sure to have plenty of room, like a 50' X 50' area and about 12' high. Hovering stable takes a bit of trimming to achieve. But even once airborne, that left pulling tendency shows up intermittently. Just have to
watch for it and compensate for it on inputs. From what I've read, the left pulling is common with 3-channel heli's. I read somewhere they are coming out with a newer version that addresses the problem. Watch the 9100 intro on youtube and you can plainly see it favoring left.
I bought this heli for outdoor use primarily in my back yard, and also the local fields. I'm not new to R/C and have owned nitro planes, cars, and have a few helos. This heli caught my attention being a single rotor at such a low price. The first couple of days were fine, but then the bird went downhill.
First, this heli is not quite large enough to handle even the mildest breezes. This is not a fault, just that you need at least a 450-class (larger) heli for outdoors. Second, this bird is FAST!!! I don't recommend flying it in the typical suburban back yard. Again, not a fault of the heli. Bottom line is that it is best to fly this one early in the morning or late in the evening when the air is very still. Flying this bird the first couple of days was fun. It's not a beginner's heli and you have to actually fly the thing. It's very responsive and fast, and has all of the quirks of a real heli.
However, after a couple of crashes, which were not that bad, the problems started. The bird would fly fine, then it seemed that it had a mind of it's own, giving me the feeling that I was not in control. The biggest problem was that it would pitch back mildly during flight, which at first I thought was wind or something out of adjustment, and I would have to yaw and dive to try to get control of it. I thoroughly went through the heli making sure everything was adjusted and in proper working order, testing it thoroughly in my garage before taking it out. It was flying fine, or so it seemed. At about 50ft altitude and forward flight the heli started the backward pitch thing, and then crashed at high speed. The wreckage is now in my garage awaiting rebuild or salvage of usable parts.
If you want an outdoor heli for backyard fun get a Syma s032 or other comparable co-ax. For indoors I strongly recommend the Syma s107, and I have several that I love to play with. If you want a good outdoor heli look at the 450-class birds and spend the money on a good one. I can't recommend the DH-9100.
EDIT: I can't recommend this as a first heli or for anyone that can't mod it, but if you have the experience and know how to make modifications this heli has potential. Please read the comment that I wrote. - Helicopters'
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