I chose this mouse for my laptop because it is cheap and it has good reviews. I like how it feels in my hand. It works very accurately and the pointer is not jumpy. Unbelievable that they can make this for $8.00! I enthusiastically recommend this mouse to anyone who needs a replacement. Logitech B100 Optical USB Mouse
Every time I shop for a new mouse for myself I consider many different things, motion sensing system, clickability, reliability of the manufacturer, and of course special features. I for one have ALWAYS bought Logitech mice. They are a trusted manufacturer of peripherals and to be honest, they are some of the toughest pieces of hardware I have seen out there.
I recently decided to switch out my old mouse and replace it with an optical mouse. Looking through the vast selection of mice on Amazon I was a little overwhelmed, especially being a gamer (I thought of maybe getting a 'gaming mouse'), I found many different types of mice with a wide array of special features. What it finally came down to for me was this, I wanted a simple mouse that I could hook up to my laptop and use it without worrying about drivers or special software, and if I lost it for some reason it would be inexpensive to replace. I came upon this model and after a short time I put in the order to purchase one and am very satisfied with the performance and reliability. Definitely worth every penny (Not that it is that much to begin with =D)
I needed an optical USB mouse to use on my laptop (I can't stand using a finger pad). I found this little gem. great price with good reviews. I was not disappointed at all. Other reviewers were spot on with this little guy. He's light weight, but will track accurately on just about any surface. This laptop I use while I'm sitting up in bed and I have to say how surprised I am how responsive and accurate this thing tracks on the surface of a comforter bed spread. It is fantastic! It does everything it's supposed to do and does it well at a price that unbeatable.
My Dell mechanical 3-button mouse finally died so I went looking for a replacement. This mouse works great. The old one with a ball and rollers kept getting clogged with dust and dog hair so I'd have to take it apart and clean it up with tweezers, and finally one of the gears chipped and it wouldn't scroll right. This optical mouse eliminates all those problems.
Some reviewers didn't like the lightness of this mouse, but it is comparable to the Dell I replaced. The only thing I didn't expect was how fast the cursor moved. I had to go into Control Panel for each user and slow it down to the slowest or next-to-slowest speed. Otherwise, it zipped around the screen so fast, I couldn't control it. I don't know, but that could be due to the fact that it's being used with an older (2006) computer.
Overall, I definitely recommend it.
I built my own PC out of interest and i did not have enough money to get a high quality gaming mouse and keyboard. I went out and bought this mouse for around $10 because, hey i need SOMETHING. I got it and when i was finally able to use it, it did all i needed it to. It clicked, scrolled, highlighted, anything a mouse is supposed to do. SO with that i have no complaints. When i was able to upgrade, I got a higher quality mouse which has a superior feel to my Logitech mouse. This mouse does feel cheap. It is light weight and feels brittle and when you scroll the wheel, it is very loud. Regardless, if you need something cheap that works, get this mouse. you get more for what you pay for with this doohickey.
I bought this mouse to use on an old computer that had a roller ball mouse. But the mouse for my personal computer stopped working, and I have been using the Logitech B100 instead. I use it on a daily basis.
Honestly the mouse is a little touchy and takes a while to get used to. For the money it works great though. The cord is not too long either. If you're looking for a cheap replacement I would not hesitate to buy this one again.
I purchased this mouse to use with my laptop computer when on a desk, and all-in-all it does it's job. The mouse is black in color and has a 'Logitech' logo on the end of the top. It features a working scroll wheel that 'clicks' and you scroll it. You can also click the actual wheel (push it down) and it makes the pointer a page navigator. It fits very nicely in both left and right hands. This is a great product and it fits it description.
The sensor on the bottom is a great upgrade from the traditional mouse-ball. It works great with or without a mouse pad; you definitely don't need one for this mouse.
Shipping was speedy, and the mouse came in a plastic wrap inside the shipping box.
I have used a basic corded Logitech mouse for many years. It is always my favorite, as it fits my hand well and is not as heavy and bulky as a cordless mouse. I have chronic tendinitis in both wrists from years ago when they just plopped computers on people's desks and said "here, use this." No thought about or knowledge of ergonomics. Old style mouses were clunky and harder to push around all day, thus the wrist damage. So I have struggled to find a mouse that is fast, smooth, responsive, fits my hand well, and is very light weight. This is the perfect mouse! I am on the computer for many hours a day, and with this mouse my wrist does not hurt at the end of a session.
This one is a replacement mouse, just received today. I find that the wheel is a little less smooth in its rolling than the prior versions, and instead of 2 separate forward buttons, the top of the mouse is split partway back, allowing each side of the top to be pressed independently, with the same effect as an actual separate button. Otherwise, the same style, same fit, but this one has MUCH faster tracking than the previous one. I like a good fast mouse, as it means I don't have to use as much wrist action to cover the screen. I had to go into my preferences and slow this one down, though. It can really move! I love it, and have ordered a second one to keep in my computer bag for when I'm on the go.'
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