I suspected fake reviews because they all said the same thing in different ways. They were too similar. But the mat looked nice and the free bag was a perk...they are both cheaply made. The bag is nice, but too narrow, so it's hard to get the mat in and out. The mat is thick, but hard, and not sticky at all. I went to a basic yoga class and was so frustrated because I could not even push into downward dog with out my hands and feet slidding down the mat. Kneeling poses were painful due to the hardness of hte mat. It's a great mat if all you want to do is sit-ups, push ups, and other basic excercise moves - but it is definitely not a yoga mat!! I ended up giving it away to a friend to use in her living room, and I replaced my old Hugger Mugger Extra Thick Tappas Mat. Da Vinci Green Yoga Mat with Free Carry Bag
This mat is so slippery it would probably be easier to do yoga on a waterslide. I have brought it to 2 yoga classes, hoping that somehow it would be better the second time, but it was imposible to do any positions with feet wider than shoulder with apart without them slipping out from under me. Also, the strap in the carrying bag broke off on one end after using it twice.
Overall I thought this offer seemed too good to be true and it is. You get a piece of crap mat that isn't usable for yoga at all although it might be ok for sitting on for stretching or ab exercises (when slipperiness wouldn't matter). And the bag isn't durable enough to carry the mat that comes in it without it breaking after two uses.
I read a few of the other reviews complaining about stains and thought it must be just a couple of defective units. Well, I got one of those! It is some strange greyish discolouration here and there on the mat, very large, and very noticeable. Sale price or not, get a different mat for this price. Also, the bag this mat comes with is terrible. It has a mesh center panel, which means two seams you have to push your mat past to get it fully into the bag. If you don't roll your mat up tight enough, then have fun getting it into the bag!
I gave this mat 2 stars because it's still decent enough to use, and I'm not going to return it. But really, who wants a brand new mat with stains all over it?
I received my yoga mat today one day earlier than the expected delivery date, which was great. However, I was really disappointed with the item. It had thick dark gray lines, kind of like stains! I peeled off the plastic cover anyways hoping to erase them with some cleaning. I wiped with wet towel and then tried with some cleaner. They didn't go away...The stains are really noticeable, and I can't believe that the seller sent this item to a customer. I may be just unlucky, though. I just feel so disappointed especially because the mat itself was good as described.
I ordered 7 mats on Saturday for our little yoga group, they were shipped on Monday and I recieved them on Tuesday. That is fast. The mats are quite thick and comfortable with good grip on the ground. I ordered several colors and the colors are vibrant and as displayed. I opened my own mat and it had a typical new mat platicy smell but the smell quickly wnet away after just a few hours or it being open so don;t let the initial smell bother you. The free carry bag is a nice one and quite strong. It is a mesh bag with a shoulder strap. Overall a good purchase.
I liked the color and the thickness.
I was doing hot yoga
and I slipped and SLID ALL OVER MY MAT.
NO traction if you get sweaty. So buy a yoga towel with this (I think they are called yogitoes)
I hear that this is a common problem for all lower priced mats so either buy a more expensive one WITH traction or buy a yoga towel.
I just tried taking my new yoga mat to my class and I spent 1 hour in pure frustration. The mat is so slippery i had to grab in from the sides in some poses(downward facing dog etc) so I wouldn't fall down. Even In standing warrior poses my feet would slip back. It was impossible to do my practice.
The mat does look pretty and the carry bag (although tight) is handy. I'm probably going to use it as a mat for ab-work, but definitely not for yoga.
I purchased 2 of these items at separate times over 2 months. The first one was purple and no issue at all. The second was a red one and as indicated in some other reviews there is a dye issue where you get some streaking it looks black on red. Fortunately it is only on one side so that goes on the bottom.
The mat was nice and cushy, which made laying on my back easy. It's still a little slippery, but most new mats are. It was also hard to get into the bag at first, but once I started rolling it tighter I didn't have any problems. - Yoga Mat - Yoga Accessories - Yoga Mats - Exercise'
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