I am 42 years old. Not a gym junkie and didn't have the first clue how to go about getting back the body I had before 2 kids. This is truly everything you need to lose weight, get in shape and feel great about yourself. It has the workout rountines and the menu plan all laid out for you. There is no guess work. It is written in simple terms even I could understand.
I love the fact that this book is spiral bound-especially since this book has so many pages. Makes it really easy to bring to the gym and USEABLE! I can lay it on the floor and follow along.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a piece of their youth back! Weight Training Workouts and diet plan that Work
I did his "Workouts that Work" book religiously and it was the best easiest way to get in shape ever. I dance, do yoga and walk a lot but was never totally in shape until I lifted weights. I like having a guide at the gym so I can just check off what I did and forget about it. The diet portion of this is easy too. No recipes or complicated scheme. Just making sure to eat more often with protein in each small meal. I'm looking forward to getting back in great shape and getting strong with this great book.
This is the third book I have bought from this author and I would not hesitate to buy additional books from him. I have several weight training books but this one is the simplist to follow and understand. Although you probably won't get a Mr. Universe body from his workouts, you will definitely get toned (which is what most of us are looking for) and it gives you detailed info and pictures on each exercise. Great book for men and women alike. I can definitely see and feel body definition I never use to have.
This book summarizes a few very simple but important rules about diet and exercise that really do work! What I love about this book is that it doesn't have too many words or long explanations. It just gives you helpful information that you can start using RIGHT AWAY! It lays out a 12 week daily menu and workout plan. All you have to do is follow the plan as closely as you can. It is that easy! I love the ease of mind the book has given me because I do not have to think or plan very hard what to eat and what to do for exercises because it is all laid out for me already. I just open the book and do what it says. The index includes full descriptions with pictures for each exercise prescribed, so if you are new to weight training rest assured that this book alone is all you will need to get into it. Also, the book is spiral-bound so it lays flat and stays on the right page for ease of reference when you take it to the gym with you.
The hardest part for me getting started with this was overcoming the fear of "looking stupid" or feeling out of place as a woman doing free weights where usually I see only big, strong, guys working out. But I just did it anyway, and before long I was no longer worried about looking stupid because I am looking so GOOD now! After having my two kids I thought I'd never get my figure back. I am only in the third week of this plan and I am looking better than ever! I can actually see my abs again! Realize that results will vary, but have faith and stick with it, before long you are bound to see results too.
Also, I have noticed a marked improvement in my mood and energy by abiding by the principles outlined in this plan. Eating every 2-3 hours and having a protein source with every meal has kept my brain and body supplied with the nutrients that it needs to function well, and my moodiness, anxiety, and mild bouts of depression have all diminished almost entirely. Not only am I looking great, I am feeling great too--and all this without ever having to feel hungry, or count calories!
If you are looking for help getting back into shape, look no further--buy this book and follow it! You have nothing to loose but unwanted body fat, and you stand to gain beautiful lean muscle, an improved mood and energy, and healthy eating habits for life.
I'm a 62 year old retiree who stopped my workouts 3 years ago, ate all the wrong food, put on 40 pounds and 3 pant sizes. I bought the book and followed the author's workouts to the xnth degree. As I complete my 11th week...I've lost 30 pounds and two pant sizes and have never felt better. I did not however follow the author's diet plan because I thought it to be too rigid of a diet for a person of my age - I joined Weight Watchers instead. I highly recommend the book to anyone who seriously wants to lose weight, body fat, and inches. I will definitely keep up with my workouts after week twelve using the routines from this book. Buy it!
This is the third weight training exercise book that I have used from James Orvis, the first was Weight Traing Workouts That Work (WTWTW) and then WTWTW Volume II. Each book is very well organized and easy to use. These are well thought through workouts that systematically go through each muscle group using muscle confusion. Because each workout is carefully scripted, it takes much of the decision making out of the effort. I greatly appreciate this element because it helps speed me through the workout. The book has pictures for each exercise that answer any questions of technique. There is enough information to get the most out of your exercise effort while avoiding information overkill. Other exercise books I have purchased spend too much time trying to turn the reader into a personal trainer. Those books have been relegated to a secondary role in my routines as I use them only to supplement the exercise routines in WTWTW. I went through each of the first two book's twelve week programs three or four times before moving on the next book, each time increasing weight and at times supplementing additional exercises for areas I wanted too emphasize. The third book increases the intensity of the workouts and adds more emphasis on diet and nutrition that is a helpful next step.
After I started using WTWTW, my wife tried it and found she enjoyed the workouts. She and her girlfriends now use these books as the core of their exercise routines. This is an excellent series of books if you want to improve your muscle tone and fitness level. I think James Orvis has put together a very useful, practical and effective series with WTWTW and have recommended it to many of my friends. - Rippletoad - Bodybuilding - Kindle - Formatting Problems'
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