This book covered alot of information in great detail. The information on the legal ramifications was very good. The advise on contacting an attorney before talking with the police or allowing them to search your car or home was very important. In fact, there was a tremendous amount of information contained in the book that was excellent and covered many aspects related to concealed carry in an easily understood style. Concealed Carry Fundamentals
This is a must have book for gun owners who chose to carry or use firearms for home defense. As all responsible gun owners know, the best way to survive a critical life or death situation is to not get yourself in that situation. Michael Martin has raised the bar with this holistic user friendly guide on what you need to know about personal defense. The great illustrations, world class photography and smooth layout of the book make it hard to put down. You will want to keep it handy for all the great references found on each page. Being an NRA Certified, Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol, Personal Protection in the Home, Home Firearms Safety Instructor and Range Safety Officer, I would feel almost negligent if I did not offer this book to students. No matter where in the United States you choose to exercise your second amendment rights, this book is for you and will apply to you! Get it today.
Anyone who carries a concealed handgun for personal protection should read this book. It covers the fundamentals of concealed carry practice, but goes much further than most resources individually. To get all of this infomration in one place, in an easily understandable and well-organized manner would require multiple reference resources (if it could even be done). Mr. Martin runs the carry gamut from why to carry all the way to very effective training exercises to build the skills necessary to do so, safely and with confidence. This is an absolutely invaluable tool.
Have you ever encountered something that screams to be shared with others? In my case this book is one of those times.As an instructor of a musical instrument,I am familiar with all kinds of teaching materials.The interesting thing to me about this book is that while it is an introductory guide to concealed carry,it has something in it for any skill level.If you are interested in learning something new or sharing handgun fundamentals with another person,this is a very good choice for an instructional text.The other reviews are exactly right in their descriptions of the book.However they leave out one important thought.If one could give a book to every person as required reading about handguns this book would be the one.For those who are wondering,I am not related to the author but would be proud to be if it were the case.
"Concealed Carry" covers every aspect of what a person needs to know if he or she has a concealed carry permit. Once you read the legal section you will never want to use your weapon until you think you are about to die. Shooting fundamentals are an added bonus. The presentation and color photos add to the reading and learning experience.
Author Michael Martin did a great job writing this book. The photos and illustrations are informative and easy to understand. I am not new to handguns or concealed carry but still got alot out of this book. This book is for the beginner or the experienced handgunner. This is one of the first concealed carry books I have read cover to cover and went back and reviewed chapters. Put this book on your list to read. FIVE STARS
This book is probably the single best gun book I've seen yet. It covers all critical concealed carry issues, from legal to physiological and mental; covers firearm fundamentals (e.g. safety procedures, different types of guns, gun operation and much more), and does it all with the very highest level of writing and illustration. Frankly, I think this book could be priced higher, given its quality from content to printing, but I'm glad it's reasonably-priced. (It would be nice if Amazon sold it directly.) Five stars, top recommendation. Get it if you're even thinking of carrying, but get it also for a reference of critical gun essentials and safety that you can use to teach other people, while brushing up on your own knowledge.
I am new to the ccw world and I wanted a book that told me about it. I truly enjoyed reading the book. I am looking forward to trying some of the drills in the back of the book. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in joining the ccw world we live in today. - Self Defense - Safety - Personal Protection - Self-defense'
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