My husband bought this scooter for my daughter who will soon be two after seeing how much she wanted to ride the neighbor kids' razors. My daughter jumped up and down with joy after seeing the toy. As soon as she got on she knew what to do. This toy is so SAFE, in comparison to any other competition! The base for the foot is almost a foot wide. Also the two wheels in front help balance our child more so than the two wheel in back ones. It is also fun for her to sit down on the center portion and us to pull her around on it. It is made out of the same plastic material as the RadioFLyer wagons, so it is really durable. It did not break when I stood on it and I weigh 140. I am pretty sure it is not cleared for that heavy of a person..but I had to try it. Overall GREAT toy! Safer than a Trike too, since she is not having to climb over the middle section..she just steps off. Radio Flyer My 1st Scooter Red
I bought this for my son who just turned 2. He had been obsessed with his sister's Disney pink scooter that he never could really get going on. This is great for his age - it is really wide so he can balance fairly easily and can just take off and go!
I just got this scooter for my two year old boy. I was not that impressed with it. It is really cute and being a radio flyer I thought that it would be really great. It is really hard to turn the front wheels. He is really good on my daughters scooter that has the one wheel in the front and two in the back. He doesn't do as well on this one like I said it is hard for him to turn it. One feature that I do like is that you can fold it up.
I gave this to my youngest son after he watched his older siblings on a regular two wheeled scooter. The time it took from removing from the package to usage and familiarity was the time it took to carry it down the front steps and on to the driveway. Any child who has seen or attempeted a two wheel scooted will be able to use this instantly.
The product is solidly built, the only possible weak spot would be the fold down hinge for the handle. This is how it is shipped and it also comes in handy for taking it elsewhere (It has been to the playground, tennis courts, baseball field, parking lot, basically anywhere with a semi flat surface).
One caution: The three wheel design does give our son more confidence to go faster so the crashes, when they happen, are more spectacular. Buy some extra Band-aids.
This scooter is a great first scooter. Every time my daughter saw the older kids out on their scooters at the playground, she would follow them around and want to take a ride. So a few months after she turned 2, I started looking for a beginner scotter and found this one. She LOVES it! She knew exactly what to do and after only being on it 3x she rode on it for 1/2 a mile with me walking behind her. That's a long scooter ride for a little one! The scooter doesn't seem to glide very far without needing to push off, but that is ok, since at this age a lot of the challenge is learning to keep one foot steady while using that other foot to push and to just balance with that without necessarily having to glide or steer that well. We found the scooter for less money at Toys R Us, and then even cheaper at Walmart. They also have a pink one at both retail locations.
I was so irritated by thsi scooter that I posted thsi same review to the other scooter my son does have. My mother got my 4 year old the Mini Kick scooter and my 22 month old the Radio Flyer 3 wheel scooter. First of all, after receiving the RadioFlyer one, I can say it will be the LAST RF toy I ever buy!!! Garbage garbage garbage. I had debated buying that same one for my 4 year old after the reviews and was amazed it received such good reviews. Thanks to the anonymous review who recommended the mini kick scooter while I was reading reviews of the RF scooter. First of all, the two can't be compared, not unless you're comparing a rusty bike with a cannondale. One glides like silk, the other requires a lot of strength that my 22month old doesn't have. In order to steer the kick scooter, my 4 year old only has to lean his body to the side just a bit. In order to steer the RF, my younger son has to grab both handles and firmly rotate the handles. He lacks the upper body strength and even when I'm leaning over helping him, it's a nuisance because when it does rotate, the turning radius is a joke. For right now, my younger son understands the concept of one foot on the base of the scooter and using the other foot for pushing off. He just can't execute it because as soon as he puts weight on the RF, it stops. Plus the handle bar is 2 or 3 inches higher than the Kick Scooter Handle bars. It's a big difference. He can't both hold onto the handle AND lean down to push off with the other foot. My 22mo old is 31 inches. My 4 year old is 41 inches. When my younger son plays on the Kick scooter, he can do the "glide and push" method very easily. He doesn't quite have the balance to completely control the leaning and balance to stay on it but it's so easy to use that I can see him mastering it in a few months. My 4 year old mastered the kick within 30 minutes. Plus the wheels on the KICK scooter are huge but in a good way. You can tell it's made just the rubber roller blade wheels while the RF is just plastic wheels. In a few months, I will be selling the RF and buying a Kick for my younger son. On a side note, my flooring in my house is all tile. My older son doesn't even walk anymore. He uses his kick to glide from room to room. It's so tiny and thin that you hardly notice it while the RF is pretty bulky.
Honestly, my boys will ride it for a block (they are now 4), and then will be done with it. It's just too stiff. They try to turn the handles and the wheels won't turn more than an inch left or right. I think the reason is that the part are all plastic. I like that they fold up, but that's about it. I wish I would have bought one with two wheels and one in the front! I have seen that style made without all plastic and I think it would ride better. They are pretty slow. With that being said, my 2 year old can ride it by himself and likes it for a minute or two. But a boy that wants a real ride, I would look for something else. - Toddlers Scooter - Radio Flyer - Scooter - Toddler Scooter'
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