I'm a very perimenopausal 48 year old. My PMS is getting worse and worse. My psychologist, who is post-menopausal, told me about this cream - she's used it for years. The first month I used it, absolutely no PMS symptoms at all. My period totally snuck up on me, I had to check my calendar because I thought it was early, but it was right on time! The second month, I had one or two days of feeling some bloatedness, but it went away and again I had a surprise visit from my period. This seems to work, but read the directions carefully because different age women use it slightly differently. Why don't gynecologists mention this stuff when you complain about PMS?Emerita Pro-Gest Natural Progesterone Cream, Paraben-Free, 4-Ounce Tube
I am so glad I found this cream! I am in my early forties and had begun to experience bouts of extreme insomnia. I was so exhausted. Once I finally fell asleep, I was only able to stay asleep for a couple of hours at a time. I also noticed that my periods, which had always been like clockwork, were starting to come early one month and late the next. Then, I had my first hot flash. Oh no, I thought. Is this a sign of menopause? I'm too young for this! I began searching the internet for menopause symptoms and came across a recommendation for Dr. John Lee's book, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause". I purchased the Kindle version and read it in one night. One of the women mentioned in the book had symptoms identical to mine. The book recommends the use of natural progesterone cream for the symptoms. I decided to give it a try. After only one week using Emerita Pro-Gest, I was like a different person. My insomnia is now gone! I am able to sleep for 8 hours a night. My energy level is higher than it has been in years. My periods are back to normal and I haven't experienced any more hot flashes. For anyone who is having similar symptoms, I urge you to read Dr. Lee's book and then try this cream.
I am so happy that ProGest is available to Canadians. It is sold over the counter in the USA where I discovered it, thanx to the writing of Dr. Lee who has written extensively on the health benefits of natural progesterone for women. A writer, I read his books and interviewed him by request for a BC women's magazine. Since I am post menopause and a few years past a complete hysterectomy, I became interested enough to try this product. What I experienced in a few hours was a boost in energy and more clear thinking, similar to getting a good night's sleep, not like a caffeine induced high. When I notice my energy flagging mid afternoon, I apply another small amount of the ProGest and feel more energetic again. I think it it a great product and wish it was sold over the counter in Canada, as well. Worth every cent and no side effects, unlike costly prescription hormones I took in the past. Darlene White
Have had pretty much the same results as everyone else - near miraculous righting of some pretty bad wrongs, in my case severe PMS-related edema (bloating), depression, insomnia, and general flulike symptoms, sometimes lasting for nearly three weeks. I'm 40 years old and have been to many doctors over the years - since I was about 25 - getting my hormone levels checked. All anyone would ever tell me was that my levels were normal and they'd imply all my symptoms were in my head.
I realize I sound like an informercial, but I started to get desperate. I had tried completely eliminating caffeine (it can boost estrogen levels), started different vitamins and made dietary changes, none of which worked. I read about this cream in an article about PMS and tried it almost on a whim. I started slathering it on and noticed a near immediate dramatic improvement. After years and years and years of trying to find something that would help, it feels like a miracle. I'm still getting some swelling, but for the first time in my life my period's on time and this last month I didn't suffer severe PMS-related depression, for the first time in about 15 years. I feel like I have my life back.
One caveat: You'll really need to experiment with the cream to figure out how much you need without causing some unwanted side effects. The directions on the package say to use this twice a day, and to use about a half teaspoon. I did this for the first month or two before realizing that much cream will give me severe insomnia for about three days, worse than what I had been experiencing with the PMS. Apparently progesterone is a steroid hormone, which can cause sleeplessness. Long story short, a little dab of this will do me - I use probably a quarter teaspoon only once per day to get these miraculous effects. I use it first thing in the morning and only for two weeks out of the month. Sometimes I don't use it for a day or two near the tail end of my cycle - rising progesterone upsets my stomach and if I'm starting to notice that I'll slack off a little bit. (Update after having used this a while: I'm now down to using it only once per day every other day...a dollop about the size of a dime. If I use more than that I just can't take the insomnia - and I still get relief from the worst of the PMS symptoms.)
I'm not crazy about the smell, which is kind of like wheat (it's not unpleasant, just not floral or perfumey). The cream itself is sort of thick and sticky - I personally put it on my calves, where I don't seem to notice the heavy feel so much. But it doesn't matter - I'd bathe in it if I had to, or smear it all over my face, it's helped me so much.
THANKS EMERITA!!!! I can't tell you how much you've helped me. And my poor husband. ;)
UPDATE...I'm pleased to report my PMS symptoms are showing even more improvement, the longer I've been using the Emerita cream. I no longer swell double every month (which is wonderful, as I can stop buying clothing in two sizes) and the difference in my mood and sense is wellness is nothing short of amazing. My one regret about this product is that I didn't find it 15 years ago. I can't recommend it enough.'
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