The item title says '3 Pack'. I received only 1 pack and the shipping cost me more than the product.
The product package says on the 'Features':
1) Washable and Reusable - Not Ture. Once you wash it, it is useless.
2) Dust Repelling - not ture!
3) Finger print free - not true!
4) Bubble Free - Not true also.
It is cheaper and easier to buy a regular LCD screen protector and cut it to size.
This product is a rip off! (3 Packs) Clear LCD Screen Protector for Amazon Kindle 2 E-Book Reader
This screen protector is NOT glare resistant. When installed, it makes the screen much harder to read without holding the Kindle at a very specific angle. I had previously tried out a small screen protector made for my cell phone and it worked pretty well (Too bad it was too small.). I thought this product would work the same as my trial, but 'no joy'.
Additionally, I was not able to install it on my Kindle without bubbles between it and the Kindle screen. Perhaps this is a generic problem with all protectors installed on such a large surface, or I'm a Klutz!!
This product gives the Kindle screen protection from dirt and grime and is easy to see through.......doesn't obstruct at all. The problem I found was trying to get a small tag off on the bottom right side of the protector. It is glued with very adhesive glue and makes smearing and later stickiness a problem. It needs to be removed in order to see Kindle print in that section of the reader.
These are sold in packs of 3 for less than $2.
They are poorly-cut and difficult to line up to the sides of the Kindle screen (the screen features rounded corners, these protectors have three 90-degree corners and a beveled one. I have no idea why...)
They are cheap. And they do your Kindle the courtesy of looking cheap, too!
Save your money.
After many frustrating tries we could not remove all of the bubbles. Unfortunately, the description of the product was misleading. I ordered a three-pack but received a one-pack. What's with this deception?? I agree that the shipping cost was more than the product. Would not order this again.
I found the product easy to install, but the glare from the surface was too distracting for my reading comfort.
It was like reading through a window.
The Kindle screen was much more user-friendly by itself.
I would go for a non-glare product in the future.
Not recommended. - Kindle Accessory - Kindle Screen Protector - Screen Protectors - Screen Protector'
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