My 5 year-old Porter Cable drill-driver gets lots of use. I replaced the first original battery through a year or so ago and was satisfied with it. So when the 2nd original battery died last month, I ordered through again. Porter Cable 8623 12-Volt 2.0 Amp Hour NiCd Slide Style Battery
Great drill but crappy batteries. I hope this replacement battery lasts longer than the original. I bought this drill because I used one like it at work and really felt it to be a good tool. Our company no longer uses these drills because the batteries don't last. The jury is still out on this replacement. Porter Cable should come up with a better battery for this quality tool. I know that 12v are almost passe but, about some corporate responsibility? and respect for the customer and need I go on about land fills and throw away thinking.
I really love my old Porter Cable drill/Flashlight kit and was disappointed when the batteries died. I put off bying new ones because they are so expensive but I finally broke down. Unfortunately, I think these batteries have been sitting around because I've received two of them and they both show up as weak and will not fully charge. I suppose there could be something wrong with the charger but then it seems to me these have to be older batteries since these tools are no longer made. Unfortunately, I have to recommend discarding the old drill and getting a whole new unit.
Kind of hard to justify spending $65 on a replacement battery when a new drill/driver doesn't cost much more, but then again, who wants to throw out a perfectly good tool on account of a battery? Manufacturers know we face this dilemma, and thus can get away with selling you $3 worth of NiCad cells in a plastic shell for $65. It should be a crime. Then again, the battery does work, and restored the tool to former glory. Indeed, a dilemma.
I have had my Porter Cable 12-volt drill for several years. The drill still works well. It is less expensive to replace batteries than purchase a new drill with comparable power and reliability. The new battery works very well. - Porter Cable 12 V Battery - Power Tools - Cordless Drill - Porter Cable'
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