I have a 2 1/2 year old and he still cannot use these and open the back door (where the pool is), so i am very pleased with these childproof doorknobs. Please be aware, that most adults will not figure these out the first time either, so its a good way to make fun of your dinner guest :P Kidco Door Knob Lock Clear 2 Pack
These are the best door knob covers we've tried. Young elementary school kids (and most adults)eventually figure how to open these (and have the strength to do it), but keeps kindergarteners and younger kids inside.
We've probably had to replace them once in about a 4 or 5 year span, so very durable too.
I started babysitting over 25 years ago so I do know alot about baby proofing a house. I cannot stress this enough how great these door knob locks are! We were having 3 children ages 5,3 and 17 months visiting for 3 weeks so we knew we needed to put a door knob lock on the basement door to avoid anyone falling down the stairs. This door knob lock was perfect and it did its job. Not once was a child able to open the door. Honestly, I even had trouble a few times getting the combination correct in order to go downstairs. Basically the lock comes in two pieces. You place each piece around the door knob and click it together using a very firm grasp. Once the knob is on you have to firmly push in both of the gray pressure buttons at the same time as well as turn the knob at the same time. It can be tricky for adults and none of the kids could figure it out. They always had to ask an adult to open the door for them. So this item gets an A+ for safety and overall quality. I would not hesitate to purchase these door knob locks and for the price you get two of them. : ) Can't get better than that!
We bought these because our 2-year-old figured out how to take the ones we had off and open the door and be gone. He only had to see us open the door once with this one and he could do it himself. Probably great for a younger child with smaller hands, and less desire to get into trouble. The plus is my mom who has severe arthritis, could open this one much easier than the old one we had.
This product works perfectly. We use it on our daughters bedroom door to make sure she can't wander around the house at night. We also gave one to our neighbor who used it on her cellar door as a safety measure.
I bought these because I had the ones that had the hole in the middle and my 12 month old learned how to stick her finger in there and pop them off. I liked that these had the cover over the hole so she couldn't easily stick her finger in there. However, the part that comes down on these guards, make it easy for the little ones to open the doors. At 18 months, my daughter learned how to squeeze them and open the doors. These do look nice though.
Our 3 year old grandaughter had gotten in the habit of unlocking the door and going outside without permission. This product fixed that habit! It is easy to place on the door knob and makes it impossible for her to open and even unlock the door. We were also concerned that she would unlock to the door to a stranger. Now we are able to breathe easy. Long story short; this product is well worth the money and time. The other products we tried only had holes on the sides and were very difficult even for adults to manuver. This one actually has a handle that allows adults to get a better grip on the door knob and gives parents and grandparents alike much needed security for their curious little ones.Kidco Door Knob Lock Clear 2 Pack
I needed a door knob lock that was a little bit more sophisticated then the ones you can buy at the stores since my 2 year is a great escape artist. These are great, but maybe a bit too safe...I can't get out or the doors. We ended up just keeping one on the door going to outside and taking the rest off. It was such a pain to put everything down and use 2 hands to open the door. - Baby Safety - Child Proofing - Baby-proofing - Safety'
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