I have collected history books for many years. I have been an avid student of history since I was quite small- collecting books from the 1800's and even 1700's if I could find anything (which I once did but it got lost).
Anyway, I would normally not do this, but I saw this DVD and was so amazed that I sat with my mouth open much of the time. Never have I seen so much valuable information gathered in one place about the REAL history of the US and Black America that is not twisted to manipulate the viewer.
What we saw in this DVD literally changed our lives in a positive way. If I had the ability I would purchase tons of these to distribute to students throughout the US of all races to give hope and pride back to us all. We have been manipulated over the years to believe and feel things that are not entirely true.
This collection of information gives dignity back to both white and black people of the US. It does not hide anything bad, but it shows a lot of good as well. The DVD was exceptional- the real roots of the Democratic and Republican parties (which are well known facts, not contortions of reality) was very well done.
Did you know that there were MANY black men in Congress BEFORE the Civil War? Not just one.
I was astonished at the COMPLETE quotes from Frederick Douglass not just the truncated ones that travel around in the depressing museum displays that we have been inundated with around here.
This book is a must for every US citizen (and anyone else who wants to learn about US history). It unites instead of divides and that is precious these days when everythings seems geared to manipulate division instead of true unity between races in the US.
wallbuilders site is a wonderful resource where you can also see posters and visual aids as well as the media production of this title. Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White
A great deal of information contained in "Setting The record Straight: History In Black and White," I was previously aware of. However, there was plenty I found to be "eye opening." But the most important reason to read this book is, it contains all of the information needed to verify the information it contains.
By citing historical and public records available to anyone, and giving one these resources, this book does more than "open your eyes." It feeds your mind and teaches you to not accept many of the established sources of politically correct messages about the origins of this country, and the self-serving politically slanted "truths" that are 180-degrees from reality. Buy it, read it, and check the resources for yourself - if you dare!
Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White This is an excellent book that finally shines the light of truth on the dirty little secrets of who really started the KKK. Everything this author writes he backs up with records in the library of congress in the bibliography of the book. So take off your partisan glasses and see the truth. This is not a republican diatribe, it is the truth and it's truth that is long, long over due.
Read it as an American, not as a republican or democrat. Frankly both parties have let down the entire country, how anyone could defend either is beyond me. We need a 3rd party!
Want the truth READ THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely excellent book that should be required reading for all black americans that wish to really learn about their history. For hundreds of years there has been a clandestine effort by the Democrat party to either enslave or oppress the black americans. However, this history has been hidden from them and in fact black americans vote in majorities for Democrat candidates. Unfortunately the history continues as these people are kept subservient and under control by addicting them to welfare instead of helping them succeed and forwarding the pernicious lie that minorities are some how inferior as to not be able to succeed without the government's help.
In this book the reader will learn about the first black speaker of the house in 1870, the thoughts of Frederick Douglass on the constitution after he had embarked upon a study of it and the real genesis of the Klu Klux Klan. This book will make you angry. Angry at the injustices committed upon fellow human beings. Angry at the wrath of tyranny unleashed by Democrats on anyone who was black or was white and advocated for black rights. Angry that you have not been taught this part of history of the country. And angry that the story has been twisted for political gain for 200 years.
However, the book will empower you as well. It should be required reading for all black Americans.
Start your discovery with the following video and then buy and read this book:
I bought this book because it was featured on the Glenn Beck show...this book is VERY enlightening! Anyone interested in learning Early American History should read this book. We really should be teaching this in school! Minority children would be so uplifted if they were taught this version of history!
This rewiew is based on the DVD rather than the book. If you can't find the DVD here, go to wallbuilders website. This DVD is Strong, documented history. I personally know many good black people who always vote democratic just because they think that they are supposed to. They have (sadly) not taken the time to look into the History of either political party. The same can also be said of many white people as well. History is ALWAYS valuable. When one watches this DVD (or reads the book) he will see which of the two major political parties has done the most to help black folks. Also highly recommended - "Unfounded Loyalty" by Rev Wayne Perryman.
This was an amazing DVD full of primary sources as is the case in all of Barton's works. This may be his best work yet. I appreciate someone who takes the time to research and present the facts. It's difficult to argue with the records of Congress up through the 1960's, which show that Democrats voted against almost every opportunity to provide equal rights for African Americans. You have got to see this for yourself. I'm not a Republican, and I won't pledge my allegiance to that party, although I do agree with most of what it stands for today. I do wish Barton would have spent a little more time on one of my heroes, Martin Luther King, Jr., but there is so much material that is covered (about 2 hours covering the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, Reconstruction, acts of Congress, and the civil rights movement in the 50's and 60's). Hopefully Barton can make a DVD on the life of MLK, who I have found to be a devout man of God and a prophet to our country. Based on my studies of the man, I cannot believe King would be at all happy with the politics and anti-Christian stances of modern Democrats. I loaned this DVD to a couple of friends, who also deeply appreciated the video. An excellent history lesson. - African American - Frederick Douglass - True American History - American History'
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