Although lower cost substitute ink cartridges are sold all over the web, and on this site as well, the few bucks you might save aren't worth the all-too genuine risks of replacing with generic "no-name" ink tanks. I've heard (but wouldn't wish to try it, frankly) that generic inks fade faster when exposed to daylight, could clog the print-head spray nozzles, don't spread properly on top-quality paper, and simply can't compare with the uniquely formulated dyes that have been specially researched for your printer and its matching photo papers. The one exception might be if you use a black-ink-only inkjet [hard to imagine anyone could screw up black ink]. Even so, considering the low cost and remarkable longevity, I'd still stick with the Canon product, if only to match the other colors. I concur that printer manufacturers use that old hoary "razor trick" (give away the razor, profit on the blades), but with Canon's individual ink tanks -- where you replace only those tanks that run dry, you aren't out a lot. My Canon photo printer uses an array of six ink tank colors. Of these six tanks (all available on this site), 'photo cyan' and 'photo magenta' seem to be used up 2 to 3 times faster than 'black'. In other words, rather than replacing an entire set of six ink tanks, you can replace just those tanks that run empty the soonest -- thus not having to toss out a 3-ink tank [as used by HP] where 2 of the 3 remaining inks still are far from used up. Just a word of caution here - make certain that every cartridge you order from Amazon clearly states its eligibility for SuperSaver shipping. If you have to add shipping charges to this low-cost item, you could end up paying more than you would have at the local office supply store. Canon BCI-6BK Black Ink Tank
i used canon ink and then decided to try one of the cheap imitations. it worked well for a few months and then my photos came out of my canon i900d with color changes. after 3 conversations with canon customer care, we decided it was not the printer, but the cheaper ink. i switched back to canon, bit the bullet on the price, and everything is fine. i found decent prices on amazon, particularly at eek industries.
I am in love with my new Canon Pixma MP760! I specifically got a Canon because of the separate ink tanks. The full page prints are wonderful and it doesn't use as much ink as I assumed it would; and that's a good thing considering how long it takes to receive your shipment. Amazon has some of the best pricing on the web-but watch out...Free Shipping = SLOW Shipping. Order these a month in advance-it will take that long to see them. 'Available in 24 hours'...maybe, but keep in mind that 'available' has nothing to do with 'ship'. A few days difference, no problem. But weeks? Come on.
Confessions of a cheapo. I used 2nd market replacement inks. They did print o.k. However, the bottom line, they eventuality cause the "seating prongs" on the print head to break. So,my lesson, use the OEM inks, along with Canon paper to provide the best prevention to fading, bleed and create the best tones. The end.
I am very pleased with the price and quality of the Canon inks I've purchased here. Same brand as the retailers, but about $5-$7 cheaper! After trying several generic inks from other online discounters, I've learned that they fade quickly. Now I only buy the Canon inks, but they're expensive at your local retailers. Amazon saved me $$$!
Why risk damaging your expensive printer using cheap generic's?
I only buy Genuine Canon Brand Ink for my printer. Yes it costs a lot more then the generic but I don't want to have to replace my print head repeatedly because of it.
I concur with others who warn of using off-brand inks and toners. They can even damage your printer. On the other hand, I purchased this 8 months ago and since then the shipping cost has ballooned 800%. There is no reason to pay $7.50 to ship this item. The price here may seem great but factor in the shipping cost in your decision. - Ink - Printer Ink - Ink Cartridge - I9900'
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