We have an earlier generation of this mower (CMM1000) and recently got the Toro. I've studied the specs and this is probably the only other one I'd consider seriously. Perhaps it's buyers remorse or the grass being greener on the other side of the fence but as much as I like the Toro, I wish I'd taken a closer look at the CM1936. For those who want to get local and not risk shipping damage, it appears this is sold nationwide by a blue big box store (as opposed to the orange big box store)
I've put a quick guide of the most popular models on Amazon. All info reported by manufacturer. Amazon won't let me put prices in my review, sorry!
Neuton CE5.3............14"/24V/240......48#....Plastic deck, Removable batt.
B&D CM1836..............18"/36V/NA.......64#....Plastic deck
Greenworks 25092......18"/24V/480......95#....Self Propel, Removable Batt
Worx ECO WG780.......19"/24V/408......80#....Removable Battery
Haussmann CLM46NU...19"/24V/NA........94#....Haussmann who?? Metal deck
B&D CMM1200.............19"/24V/432......76#....Update to our old CM1000
B&D CM1936...............19"/36V/360.......72#....Plastic deck, Removable Batt
Neuton CE6................19"/36V/360.......69#....Plastic deck, Removable Batt
Earthwise 60120..........20"/24V/480......92#....Metal deck, Removable Batt
Toro 20360.................20"/36V/432......77#....Metal deck
Solaris/Epic EP21H........21"/24V/NA......106#....Rmvble batt, self propel, steel
>>Why SHOULD I get a cordless electric mower? They are super quiet, clean, and convenient. No fumes or exhaust- because gas mowers don't have catalytic converters, they can pollute as much in a year as 43 cars!!!!. They aren't necessarily cheaper than a gas mower since they cost more up front but there is basically NO maintenance. (We spent $80 over 10 years for a set of replacement batteries.) Corded electric mowers are a cheaper but having a cord is a pain.
>>Why SHOULDN'T I get a cordless mower? They weigh a LOT more than gas mowers so if you have a hilly lot or have difficulty with physical exertion, forget it. They don't have as much power as gas and re-fueling means charging for a few hours so if your lot is over ½ acre you may want to reconsider.
>>Why do they all come with mulching PLUS bagging? Electric powered mowers have come a long ways but mulching still takes a LOT more power than discharging, so bagging is pretty much a standard feature.
>>What is a watt-hour? It's basically how big your gas tank is - the more watt-hours, the longer you can mow before you have to recharge.
>>Is the cutting path a big deal? Yes - for two reasons. 1) The first thing manufacturers do when power is marginal is reduce the blade size, so I tend to see the smaller mowers as more likely to be underpowered. Second, when you consider that you have to overlap each pass by ~3", a 20" blade now effectively cuts 13% more on each pass. If you have a larger yard, you definitely do NOT want anything under 18" Also, my measurements show most mowers overstate their blade size by 1/2" (Our 20" measures 19-5/8, our 19 measures 18-1/2)
>>Why might I want a removable battery? If you have a large yard, this means you can have a second battery charging while you are using the first. A second battery typically costs $100-$150 but it can make the difference between going electric or not. Finally, if you keep the mower in a shed that doesn't have power, a removable battery will let you bring it in for charging.
>>How long will my batteries last? That depends on your climate and usage. We had a small lot for many years and were religious about recharging right after use. We also live in a cooler climate (Michigan) so it's cooler and the mowing season is shorter. Our batteries lasted ~7 years. Most people should get 3-4 years easily but if you're careless and live in Arizona, you might be able to kill the batteries in a year or two.
>>Why should I care about higher voltage? Higher voltage = more power, PLUS you can recharge the mower faster. With the same chemistry and current, a 36V mower will charge 50% faster than a 24V mower.
>>Metal deck or plastic? Metal rusts but with minimal care it's not an issue. Plastic ends up giving you a more stuff to trim since you can't cut as close to fences, etc.
If you've found this review helpful or have questions/comments, please let me know! Black & Decker CM1936 19-Inch 36-Volt Cordless Electric Lawn Mower With Removable Battery
This is the first major redesign of the Black & Decker 19" Cordless Mower since its introduction. I bought one of the first CMM1000's shortly after it was introduced in 1996. It worked great for 14 years, with only two battery replacements in that time. I gave it to a friend who is using it and it continues to give great performance.
The CM1936 has a customer removable battery allowing easy battery interchange for large yards with long grass. My yard is about 12000 square feet and can normally be mowed with one charge. The blade has been redesigned for longer run time. The charger recharges the battery a useable amount in 4 hours.
The height of all four wheels can be readjusted in less than 1 second. The run interlock is now a bail bar (like the original CMM1000) which is nicer than the lever on the CMM1200. I wish the new mower had the battery indicator that was provided on the original CMM1000. Perhaps it can be added as a special accessory key assembly. It is not really necessary, but is a nice feature.
Once you experience not having gasoline smell on your hands and quiet operation with no starting hassles, you won't mind having to push this mower. If you keep it connected to the charger continuously when not in use, it will give the best battery life. The battery can be charged when removed from the mower if you keep the mower in a shed without power. The CM1936 is highly recommended.'
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