I am not one to put down any one or any company but why would I look at this product twice when I can get the same size Plain Shank Full Head Framing Nail in a 4000 pack at Lowes for $30.00. That's over 3000 extra nails for the same price. It will be interesting to see if this review shows up. I have used this brand and see no difference then other brands for less money such as Grip Rite. I have looked at the (review guidelines) I do not own stock in any home building supply company but I would like to see my fellow tool users get the most value for there money. Price, quantity and quality go hand and hand with any product. My name is Scott I am a tool addict. Thanks for letting me share.
ADDED 5-4-2011.. Good nails but shop for the better price. DON'T BOTHER WITH HOME D. CHECK LOWES EVERYDAY PRICES B & C Eagle A312X131/22 Round Head 3-1/2-Inch by .131-Inch by 20 to 22 Degree Plastic Collated Framing Nail (500 per Box)
If you have a Porter Cable FR350, for some reason finding nails can be a slight problem. The mega home store with the orange sign has them, but not consistently. So these are a good stop-gap until you can find more.They drive well and seem to hold well.
If you are looking for the highest quality nails for your nails gun then you better get these. I have used these forever and they have performed to the highest extent the whole time. They have never jammed or messed up my guns. These are top of the line
These may be great nails, but they'll probably jam and misfire with the Porter Cable FR530 nail gun. The FR530 needs plastic-collated nails, not paper-collated like these are. I made the mistake of buying a ... case of paper-collated nails, only to have non-stop problems with them. Only on the Porter Cable website does it mention that the gun uses plastic-collated.
I used these nails in a Porter Cable round head framing nailer. They worked very well and I have not had a single misfire or jam. I can only speak from experience for the Porter Cable nailer, but highly recommend them for this particular nailer.
I would like to see a better match for the gun, and larger quantities at local store prices. The nails have yet to jam; however, the gun stops ALWAYS with about 3 to 5 nails left in gun and I just need to keep adding some more to keep gun going.
These are 16d nails that measure 3.5" ... I used these nails to frame 2x6 walls and to frame the rafters on a 20x 16 garage... these nails never jammed or misfired... have recently ordered more of these nails.. - Nails - Bill - Hero - Christianity'
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