No problems. I have a 13" Macbook Pro (mid-2009) and a 24" 1080p Gateway monitor on my wall. It just works. No complications or special instructions. That's really all that you need to know, right? Apple Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter MB570Z/A
Bought this when I purchased my MacBook Pro to connect to my ViewSonic LCD. Works perfectly, nice snug fit and can screw in the pegs to keep pins aligned. A must have to for any mac user needed a DVI to mini-display port connection.
Just like most apple products, it just works. Period.
Before ordering this item, be aware that you may receive a cheap fake instead of the real deal. The "Apple" adapter I received could pass for genuine at first glance, but it didn't attach correctly-- one of the screw holes was too deeply recessed. Taking a closer look at the thing, the signs of a knockoff became obvious-- the markings were off, the dimensions were off, and the build was generally chintzy. A side-by-side comparison with the genuine article was pretty laughable. There may be authentic Apple adapters available from some of these third-party sellers, but why chance it? If you're willing to pay for Apple quality, buy from Apple.
That said, the genuine item (purchased from the Apple Store) works as advertised.
This adapter is not cheap and, as noted by others, should be included with your new Mac purchase. That said, its a great adapter and does exactly what it is supposed to do. Works great to connect my new Mac to an excellent 24" Samsung monitor.
Note: white noise is displayed on the screen if the Mac falls asleep before the monitor goes to sleep. It disappears after the Mac wakes up.
This product is a cheap knockoff of an actual Apple DVI Displayport. Don't be fooled.
I use a HengeDock to connect my Macbook Pro to the rest of my stuff. This DVI device is not an actual Apple Product, as the dimensions are all wrong. I paid $30 for a $5 part. Not impressed.
This is going back to XcessBuy. I will not buy from them again.
This adapter is similar to the VGA-styled one of course, and now that I have both for different applications (DVI for 2nd monitor on Mac Mini at home, VGA for projector at work) I can say one thing, the DVI adapter at least allows the DVI plug to actually "plug in" completely and the screws can be secured, whereas with the VGA adapter insertion and rubber bands are about the best I can do. But they both work.
I purchased a cheap 3rd party adapter to use with my 17" MacBook Pro computer and a 23" Apple Cinema Display. The display worked for a few minutes and then went blank.
I then tried a 17 inch Samsung LCD which worked acceptably with the cheap adapter, but when I tried to calibrate it with a hardware calibrator, every profile was different. Apparently the monitor was not getting a consistent signal.
I assumed the MBP was defective, because the 23" monitor worked fine with my old computer, but after a lot of calls and troubleshooting I was persuaded to buy the Apple adapter to try. Wow, with the Apple adapter the 23" monitor works perfectly and profiles consistently.
It appears to me that this is clearly a case of "you get what you pay for." I would especially recommend the Apple adapter to anyone who is concerned about critical color. I am amazed that the adapter could make such a difference, but it did. - Unethical - Dvi - Accessories - Adapter'
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