I love this bag because it is light and roomy. However after laying it on the concrete a few times, it has 2 small holes at the bottom because the bag is so thin. I got my money's worth, but will look for something with a leather bottom if you lay your bag on the ground at all. JanSport Superbreak Classic Backpack Black
In these days and times backpacks, bookbags, etc have become so outlandish. This is a classically styled all american backpack. No bells, no whistles, just a good ole standbye bag! Hard to find now-a-days.
This backpack is very large inside. It is the third year I am using this brand and style. Being a girl I have to have a new color every year. This one is green. I like the color, it's very vibrant. Last years' was pink and though it was durable, it got dirty too easy and had to be washed quite often. Yes, I wash it in the washer on gentle cycle and hang to dry. It can hold all of my school books, but I'm thankful that I don't have to bring them all at once. Front zipper pocket is very large and holds my pen pouch, a small purse, and cd player. All around great backpack and it's washable, what more could you ask for?
This isn't really worth the price. Based on strength and utility alone, I've seen cheaper backpacks at Wal-Mart, etc. that far outshine this little thing. This is really quite small, don't let the big numbers fool you.
I guess I could suggest this for elementary schoolers, but as a college student this really doesn't work for me. I remember carrying even more books in high school, so yeah, that's out too. When you get this, you're really just paying for the name brand. They pocket the difference by sacrificing quality.
1. Smaller than it looks.
2. Very thin fabric.
3. The joke they call 'padding' doesn't keep the sharp edges of any book from sticking into your back.
4. The straps feel very weak, and I don't feel comfortable carrying all my books in it.
5. The backpack has a tendency to 'slide' down; the buckle doesn't hold the straps well, so the nylon slides past it and causes the straps to loosen against your will.
works as advertized. the only drawback is its lack of pockets. its got just the one pocket with an inner pocket. not a big deal to me but for some it might be a problem. its simplicity is a strength and also a weakness i guess.
After trying many different daypacks, this one is definitely the best one if weight is a problem. Many backpacks have so much padding that the bag is already somewhat heavy before you even put your books and other things in them. I've given away countless bags due to the weight issue, until I found this basic JanSport. Another added bonus: the bag comes in great colors and is reasonably priced you can buy more than one. Great for us girls that look a little color. My only complaint is that my hot pink bag was missing one of the fabric pull tabs. - Bag - School Backpack - Amazing - Backpacking'
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