I just want to say I bought this not knowing if I would finish it....and now I wish it wouldn't have ended! Great story, good character development. Believable actions by all in involved. The twins are there, in what I believe would be a redemptive role, however I hear that they were cut from the film. READ this just for their scene! It was really a moment I won't forget! I hope Hasbro will contract Peter David to do further novels that are original and continue this story. I would read EVERY SINGLE ONE! Thanks for reading this review and now BUY IT! As far as character devlopment, i thought it was very good for only having a total of 385 pages to tell a story. I hate to copy from other reviewers but if this is any indication of what the movie will be, IT WILL BE AMAZING! Bravo Ehren Kruger and Peter David!!!! and once I see the movie Michael Bay I am sure will have a shout out coming! I think I may read it again! Transformers Dark of the Moon
Since Amy posted such a perfect review before me, I will keep this short (primarily because I agree with everything she said). This novel is for true Transformers fans. It pays homage to generation 1 in so many ways, from a small group of Autobots defending Earth from a seemingly endless group of Decepticons, to even the way Optimus Prime develops into the iconic character we remember from the cartoon over 25 years ago. I do not believe movie-adaptation novels are usually worth reading, but Peter David did a fantastic job of recreating the film experience for readers. In fact, I would go on to say that the film has some pretty big shoes to fill; but, if it is even half as good as the book, it will be one of the best movies ever produced. If you seek an engaging storyline, dedication to the Transformers lore, and action sequences that will make go back and re-read what just happened, this is the book for you. However, do not be fooled by appearances... Just as Amy said before, this book shocks you with sorrowful moments, and fan-favorite Transformer deaths.
I have to think that when I started this novel I had some idea of what was going to happen, but I found myself like the autobots completely 'sideswiped' by this novel, by the actions of a select few that cause the whole dynamic of this epic war to shift into something far beyond just right and wrong. This is a classic G1 story line ripped from the past and retold in stellar detail. The science fiction is written in such a way that one could believe it and for what it's worth, you want hope beyond your heart that what's happening isn't really what's going on.
As you read this, it's clear something greater is at stake here, this isn't so much about the robots, but it's about Mankind, and their struggle to save their own. Yes the Transformers help them, but like the humans the transformers lose their own too. There are five autobot deaths written in this book, and for the sake of my review I won't spoil those for you, but the ache I felt after reading this, and though in the end the earth is saved, I was left feeling as heartbroken and sorrowfull as Prime himself, who truely becomes at the end of the novel the Prime we've been wanting to see, but have not in the Michael Bay Franchise.
If this is what the movie has in store for us this will be a BLOCKBUSTER, it will be shock and awe, and it will change the way some of the hardcore fans, like myself, look at Optimus Prime.
Til all are one; we are here, we are home.
The global civil war on Cybertron hits a pivotal moment when Deception Air Commander Starscream shoots down a key Autobot vessel with Optimus Prime inside that was carrying a special weapon that would tilt the fight to their side Optimus Prime knows his side just lost while the ship begins drifting through space.
In the 1960s, the Soviet Union and the United States engage in a race to the moon. Most earthlings assume it is a macho Cold War competition, but in fact it is a retrieval mission to bring back the Ark artifact space vessel found on the dark side of the moon. None of the astronauts are aware inside is a dormant sentient Autobot.
In DC, Sam seeks employment but having saved the world twice, he seeks meaningful work in a city of mirrors. His live-in girlfriend Carly works for art and car collector Dylan Gould. Also residing with the couple are Wheelie and Brains. However, the human will soon learn to watch out for what you wish for as the Decepticons though weakened after two encounters with Prime and Sam plot their next assault.
Although there is plenty of action and humor (a Peter David trademark) to follow, the movie that this novelization is tied to has not been released. The story line is fast-paced from the onset, but also uses a clever tie to the moon landings. Well written, Peter David who has successfully written novelizations of movie adaptations of comic book heroes like Spiderman (as well as other stuff like the Hulk comic book) provides an entertaining Transformer thriller that fans of the saga will appreciate.
Harriet Klausner
This book gives me hope for the upcoming movie. The story seems very crisp, and there were some points that really stunned me; one in particular made me sit up in my seat and take notice. In fact, I had to turn back and make sure I read what I thought I was reading.
In short, it was a great read, and I can't wait to see it all take place onscreen.
This story is worthy for just what it is. Shockwave is the main villain, but the book has all kinds of different characters that make the story the best of all the transformer stories. I give this book a thumbs up in the strongest possible way. Thank you Peter David for bringing the movie to us all. I will go see the movie when it comes out.
I want to thank the people who took the time to write their reviews, which convinced me to give this book a try after I had already seen the movie and disliked it. I wanted to see if the same material could have been done better. This book convinced me of two things: Peter David is a terrific writer, and Michael Bay is a complete hack. It is interesting that the battle scenes and action sequences are actually much more fun to read in this book than seen on the big screen. Last night, I had to stay up late to finish the last few chapters on the final battle. The movie was just loud and chaotic. It is amazing how so much money can be spent on special effects without being able to tell a coherent story. So, skip the movie and read the book. - Hasbro - Megatron - Dark Of The Moon - Graphic Novel'
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