As a heavy mobile user with high long distance and international roaming charges, this book provides the information required to have more options and save money. The text is clear and concise. Instructions on how to set up Google voice for iPhone or Android phones are well laid out and easy to follow. There are clear explanations of how each carrier handles access differently and how to maximize Google Voice under your current plan. This book is appropriate for the novice and expert alike. Explanations are clear and easy to understand. At the same time, information does not dwell on the obvious and will be a quick read for a more experienced person. Information is current but also explains what is coming in the near future. This book will pay for itself quickly. Highly recommended. Unleash GoogleVoice's hidden power: for 3G, WiFi, and free international roaming
The book explains in a simple manner what can be a complex technical issue: how to make the most out of GoogleVoice without jail breaking your phone. After reading the book I immediately called T-Mobile and requested the unlock code for my phone in order to use it on my upcoming trip to London. With the unlock code and the recipes that Mr. Tépper includes in his book you will be able to have your cake and eat it too. In other words, you will be able to use your phone abroad over WiFi to make local calls in the country you are visiting plus calls to the US and Canada for free!, or for way less than roaming if you do it through 3G. If you are a regular international traveler and have always wished to use your phone abroad without paying the outrageous roaming charges, then you must get this book. It will pay for itself in no time. Even if you are not a regular traveler, the book explains in plain English how to legally bypass your cell phone company and thus save minutes by using WiFi hot spots to make phone calls. No matter what your travel habits are, this book will save you money. - Google Voice - Save Money - International Travel - Phone'
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