I bought 8 units of those and although the product works perfectly, I have two concerns.
The first one is that the picture shows an 8GB CLASS 4 chip, while the product I received was a CLASS 2. The trick here is that the description text or the part number does not show that difference at all. Is that on purpose or just just a coincidence?
Second and not least important is that the shipping charges/policies needs to be reviewed. It is not right to charge about US$7 to ship one unit, while if you need 5 units you have to pay 35$ for shipping. SanDisk 8GB MicroSD Card ( SDSDQ 008G A11M)
Due to my satisfaction with the 4GB Micro SDHC from Sandisk, I decided to upgrade to an 8GB version. The 4GB I bought at my local BestBuy, but this time I wanted to save a few dollars, so I ordered from Amazon, in particular the seller "Digital Media Source."
Once I received the product, I noticed that it was in what is called "Bulk Packaging," (just the card inside a plastic case with no sealed manufacturer packaging)not RETAIL packaging as the item description suggested.
Either way, I figured I'd use it. I copied roughly 7GB's worth of music and video over to it. I then inserted the card into my HTC phone. After two days, the card was corrupted. Corrupted in the sense that I had to reformat it. The VERY NEXT day, the same thing happened! Two days after the second corruption, it happened again. I had not experienced this with my 4GB that I bought retail at BestBuy, EVER - It has not corrupted on me to this day.
So I decided to contact Sandisk for support, and they asked me to email them macro photo shots of the card, so I did. Two days later, I received an email from Sandisk support telling me that the card was in fact counterfeit. He stated that the simple fact that the card came in "Bulk packaging," is almost enough to tell whether it's counterfeit or not, but that what led him to his conclusion was the imprint of the Sandisk logo and the other text on it. He suggested I get my money back from Digital Media Source, here on Amazon, but I have not. I've decided to just copy my contents over to it whenever it corrupts as an 8GB Micro SDHC card costs much more at a retail store.
So my overall suggestion to you as a buyer, is that if you are looking for a legitimate card, to make sure that what you're receiving is in retail packaging. If you pay as little as I did, under 15 bucks, you might be getting a counterfeit card. You ultimately get what you pay for.
Have used this card in the Curve 8830 from Verizon, the Pearl 8130 from Verizon, and the Pearl 8100C from AT&T. The Verizon phones were running stock firmware version 4.3. The AT&T 8100C was upgraded to the new 4.5 release and I cannot confirm that 8GB would be supported in the older 4.2 release.
In all cases, it worked perfectly and is great to have so much storage available. Amazing how much prices have come down on these cards.
I just got my memory yesterday, installed it in my phone and it's great. This memory is even faster then my 2GB microSD memory, I guess this is a 4 HC card. :)
Highly recommended for mobile users seeking to get more memory.
I bought this for my Sansa Fuze. Works great and as another review says it does come with an adapter for use in normal SD card slots even though the description doesn't say anything about it. I ended up buying one in the same order because I didn't think it came with one :(
I have a Nokia 5310 which is supposed to support upto 4gb. However when I heard some rumors about it supporting 8gb microSDHC cards, I decided to try this sandisk card.
The PROs:
1. It works fine for music, the phone recognised 8gb, so I am happy.
The CONs:
1. It did not come along with a card reader as I read in an earlier review.
2. The picture shows it to be class 4, but the shipped card is class 2, so
I cant play videos from it which my phone supports. The phone could play
videos smoothly from the card that came in the phone package.
Overall I am satisfied with the card at this price though.
I purchased 2 of these for use with my and my wife's LG Dare cell phones. This product was easily recognized by the phones. The phone recognized 7.4 gb of space usable for storage on this card. The card is a class 2 card and came with an adaptor for use as a regular sized SD card. I had no problems with data transfer. In all, I gave this 5 stars for accuracy of description as well as the card functioning exactly as it should.
Their shipping charges are outrageous. They charged me $9.44 shipping for a *1 oz.* order that arrived in a padded mailer and cost $1.22 to ship via the US Postal Service (first class mail). $9.44 for one ounce!
DONT BUY from Digital Media Source!!!!
I specifically ordered the retail packaging..and it was sent in bulk.
Should have known this was a bad vendor, when they charge $4.95 S&H..and it cost 64 cents to ship.
This is where they make their money..as you can never get that back..nice gig for them.
The white text on the card is poorly done and doesnt match the standard image.
Reported to seller and awaiting feedback. - Micro Sdhc - Sandisk - Micro Sd - Memory Card'
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