There's one game in this book that's worth the whole price--Skyscraper Runup, a kind of relay race for computation that students *love* to play. The Remainder Raccoon game is also a hit. The others are fun, too. I highly recommend the book. I've worn out my copy already! 25 Super Cool Math Board Games: Easy-to-Play Reproducible Games that Teach Essential Math Skills, Grades 3-6
This book is a must for all teachers who struggle with making kids assimilate difficult concepts such as calculating equivalent fractions, geometry, measurement, probability and statistics, decimals, and mathematical operations ranging from addition all the way through divisions with remainder.
It contains black and white masters to photocopy in order to build your own board games. What I have done so far, is photocopy the games, color them and then have them laminated so that they can last longer. These board games are ideal for small group instruction or learning centers. Most of the games require not only the board and/or the dice, but a worksheet for the kids to color while they advance on the board, making the games even more engaging for the students.
The games are aimed at students between 3rd and 6th grades, and they all contain really attractive illustrations.
If you are looking for something fun to do with your kids meanwhile they are mastering mathematical reasoning, this book is a must for you!
There are a lot of products similar to this one, but this is the best "Math Games" book that I have ever purchased. It has easy-to-understand instructions and games are matched to appropriate grade-level curriculum. Students really enjoy these games and have opportunities to learn from them by reflecting on the strategies they use, creating new games, and by attempting challenging tasks included in the book. If you are looking for a good Math games book, look no further.
This book has a wide variety of fun games to help students practice with skills ranging from arithmetic, fractions, geometry, and even probability and statistics. I make photocopies and place them in sheet protectors, which makes it easier to keep them organized in a binder. Then, the students can use dry erase board markers and play over and over again without wasting paper. One criticism I have of the book is that you definitely should try out the games yourself first...I have already found an error in "The Eliminators" game (Mission 3), but it was easily fixed.
25 Super Cool Math Board Games is a good resource for quickly creating games that challenge students to apply a variety of math skills and concepts. I've found it helpful in my 6th grade resource math classroom.
Half of these games are usable, half are just not worth it.
Overall, the book is just okay. In terms of using it in the classroom- there are so good ideas to bounce off of, but you might have to modify the directions to make the game run a little smoother.
This product is OK but you can get better games at a cheaper price. As a fourth grade teacher I have used other books of games much more in my classroom. If you are going to spend the money, check out this link for better games: [...] - Scholastic Teaching Resources - Educational - Elementary School - Mathematics'
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