This book has been a source of endless delight for our young children.In the style of the "Where's Waldo" series, Christian illustrator Daniel Hochstatter has pages of brightly coloured and entertaining pictures. Each page features various various characters or items that the children must find on the page. "Sammy the sheep" and his "shepherd" as well as their companions are hidden somewhere on each page. Two beefs with this edition:1. This omnibus is a collection of four "Seeking Sammy" titles. The organization is somewhat unfortunate, as pages from each separate have been randomly placed alongside each other. However, it must be conceded that each page is an independent challenge, and each page alone offers hours of amusement.2. Some of the illustrations picture scenes from Bible narratives, eg Noah's ark, the dividing of the Red Sea. Hochstatter does this rather disrespectfully, confusing the modern with the ancient. See a jet powered boat with a water skier at the Red Sea is in my view a disrespectful anachronism. However, it must be conceded that with young children who don't realize that this is intending to picture a Bible story, this is not an issue.Nonetheless, the entertainment value of this book makes it most desireable. Very highly recommended! Sammy's Excellent Real-Life Adventures: Character Builders for Kids (A Seeking Sammy Book)'
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