Got this as a gift for Christmas when I was shopping with the wife at BassPro here in Orlando. I had been researching these units for a few days after reading about one online. The fact that I could cast out from the shore appealed to me so I chose one of the smartcast models. BassPro had the RF10 on sale and the R15 was the price I had expected the R10 to be so I went with the R15. It includes grey scale and water temp as part of the upgrades from the R10 series.
Over the past two weeks I've taken the R15 out to 4-5 lakes around my area to test it out. Provided I do a nice steady retrive a smooth display of the bottom is presented. I have also seen a fair amount of fish on the display using the Fish ID function. From what I have read on various newgroup posts this feature should generaly be turned OFF. Instead one is supposed to learn how to identify fish using "raw" sonar returns. So far I have not seen any "fish arches". I have a feeling I might need to be in deeper water for this to occur.
Overall the detail is nice and there are four options for displaying the 4 gradations of grey in ordet to highlight either weak or strong returns. One of the limilations of using this near the shore is that is does not do well with shallow depths. It lists 2 feet as the minumum but even depths of 3 feet and a bit more seem to confuse it, giving false returns. I have not tested its actual ability to recognize a return as a fish yet. I say this becuase so far I have not taken my tackle out, just the fishfinder in order to concentrate on learning it. I think I will try adding some bait to a line and attaching this to the small hole provided on the bottom of the RSS to see if it will show any fishing coming up to check it out.
I have had the unit lock up here and there, but unpluging the power cable and reinserting it and then turning on the unit again seems to have solved it. The other day I was getting some weird temp readings, it went from 40F and then back to the correct temp of 71F a few times. I also expienced an anomoly with the display. When set to "Black" mode for bottom detail the unit was only displaying 10H/6V pixels of resolution. Not sure what was up with that and I haven't tested it since then. Perhaps its a battery thing.
Overall I'm really happy with the unit. Sure is nice to be able to see contours of a lake as well as know if fish are in the area. Although the Fish ID might not be perfect you at least know that if nothing is showing on the screen at all to move somewhere else so as to not waste time. Humminbird SmartCast RF35 Wrist Mount Waterproof Fishfinder
I've now had this little guy for a year and with the exception of the green transducer dying in the first week (replaced immediately by Humminbird), it works like a charm. It's been in both frest and salt water repeatedly without a hiccup. I've had it in as much as 60 feet with fairly good resolution, discerning between weeds, rocks and fish
well for the price. Great little unit for the money, for sure-especially if you have a kayak like me. You won't be disappointed.
Typical of electronic watches has more features than necessary. By accident and reading the instructions in a canoe it started working in about 5 min. Works great shows fish and structure gives depth and water temp even tells time. Only thing I would change is buttons can get pushed accidently while sleeping or doing everyday chores this throws it into a mode other than time. Usually it goes to fishing mode which according to the instructions runs down the battery at a faster rate as it must act as a radio reciever. If the buttons had been shielded it would be a perfect product. Customer service was great they told me it was water resistant some thing I couldn't find in the instructions. Eventually I plan to use as a bobber/sonar buoy and see the crappie taking the bait how cool is that.
The first day I used the RF-35 unit, I was very happy with it. It was accurate on the depth and water temperature. I used it from my fishing kayak and when the fish alarm sounded I immediately cast and pulled up a crappie. They swim in schools and I was thrilled that it worked.
On my second kayak fishing outing a couple of days later, the watch receiver kept saying "no signal". I made sure I was using the correct channel, the distance wasn't too far, etc. It turned out the transmitters battery was dead. I had a second transmitter with me (the RF-45) and that one gave me a signal, but its non-replaceable battery also died by the end of the day. At $25 per RF-45 transmitter unit, I realized it was cheaper to buy the Norcross Hawkeye F33P Fish Finder that I can use with rechargeable triple-A batteries Norcross Hawkeye F33P Fish Finder. I have used the Norcross only once so far and am happy with it.
Well I've used this thing. As a depth finder it works well. As a fish finder I found it useless. It confuses weeds with fish, and as a test I used the finder as a bobber (you can do that!) with a worm hanging about six feet below it. A fish was yanking on the line, but the finder never saw a thing!
The batteries are expensive and it will burn through one in a day of fishing.
I'm going to give the Norcross Hawkeye FF3355P a try, see if it works any better.
I'll tell you i did alot of research on this product before i finally decided to buy it, You know how you can always get caught up in the hype of good reviews and bad reviews. which in a lot of cases can sway your decision on buying a certain product. Well I bought it, ive taken it out on 3 fishing trips so far. all freshwater lakes. i dont have a boat so im always hoofing it along the shoreline carrying my 3 poles and backpack full of tackle. if this sounds like you, then i highly recommend you get yourself one of these. We all know when your at a lake and you cant just cruise around in the middle it can be hard to find that perfect spot where the fish are. this thing has helped me in that. no longer do i have to move around all over and still have nothin to show for it. this allows you to at least find those underwater ditches or deep cover that you can never normally see. you can fish everywhere on a lake all day and by the time you get to your new spot the fish have already moved.I got my package and there was nothing wrong with the RSS or the fishfinder unit. it mounts great to the fishing rod and ive had no problems with the unit dieng or rusting or screen cracks. nothing. i wanted to submit this review because i know what a negative affect negative reviews can cause. so please. if your interested in buying this. i suggest you do so. a must for the shore tracker. good fishing! - Gadgets - Locator - Midway - Hummingbird'
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