This tool works pretty well. It is much better than the old method of measuring since that doesn't account for variations in the hanging angle of whatever hanging device exists on the back of your frame. It does have its limitations depending on what sort of hardware your frame has and with scenerios where space above the frame is small. If the space is smaller than the length of the tool, you can't use it. But overall, it is superior to the old fashioned way and far less frustrating. Under the Roof Decorating 6-100101 Hang and Level Picture Hanging Tool, Yellow
Amazon sells this product for as low as $16. Watch for their dynamic pricing. There are $2-5 price swings on this product.
That being said, it's *worth every penny.* Hanging most pictures is easier than ever before. Virtually perfect placement every time, with only the occasional 1-5 *millimeter* offset. This usually happens because the hook you are using and the hanging tool have different shapes and so hold the picture's hanging mechanism (wire, dring, sawtooth, etc) slightly different.
The tool feels flimsy (it's extremely light) but it can hold large heavy pictures on the double hook.
You should know that many pictures have two D-rings, which makes hanging more difficult as this tool will only hold one of them. However, that doesn't mean the tool isn't useful. Simply use the hang-and-level on one d-ring and hold picture level with your other hand. Adjust accordingly and then remove the picture and mark one D-ring spot. Install your hook and hang one side on the D-ring and the other side on the Hang-and-level. Adjust for level again, remove the picture and press the marking button! Perfect!
If you're going to hang heavy pictures, it's *very* useful to have someone help you. Holding the tool with one hand and adjusting with the other is difficult as your arms will tire easily.
If you've ever wanted to hang pictures and hate geometry, measuring distances and finding out you're still wrong, this tool is AMAZING.
I've used this product for a while now, and it really is the simplest way to get the picture in the right spot the first time. The best thing is that you can see what the picture is going to look like on the wall once it's hung without any measuring or calculating where the nail needs to go. It makes it so much easier to line up the frame with another frame, or with the furniture in the room - once you have it in the right position, you press the button and put the nail there and it's in the same position you held it at. It's so easy. Maybe now I'll get around to hanging all those things I've been putting off...
I will just say that it works best with light pictures. it is not a one-man/woman operation with a heavier or larger photo. My only complaint is that it doesn't work well with salon-style hangings or anything near a ceiling because of the length it extends up from the picture. It does sometimes mar the wall a little with scratches from the marking pin if you move it around too much. For most of you, it will do the job and do it well. It's not perfect, but effective for 90% of the routine jobs and consumer needs.
got this a few weeks ago b/c we moved in to a new house. so far have used a couple of times but have a hard time using on our big pictures- probably user era. would probably buy it again but for now i need to use it a little more to be more comfortable with it.
I read all the reviews and we decided to go ahead and buy this hanging tool. I agree with most of the other reviewers: It is a handy, light weight tool. It certainly does help hanging pictures level. Heavy pictures should still have two people to hang it. Takes the measuring part out of the hanging, which is a big help. Glad we purchased it. The pricing does indeed go up and down, so place it in your Amazon cart and buy it when the price drops!
I ordered direct from the company and it took months and they didn't send it until I refused to pay the charge on the mastercard. I am not sure if it is going to work and it certainly isn't worth the hassle of dealing with these people... even through Amazon. - Home Decorating - Level'
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