I've purchased invisibleSHIELD products for five different devices (including my HTC EVO 4G) over the last few years, and I've always been completely satisfied. That's why I was surprised to discover nearly as many one-star reviews for this product on Amazon.com as five-star reviews.
I realize that the invisibleSHIELD isn't a perfect screen-protection solution, but I feel that many of the complaints detailed in these one-star reviews aren't entirely fair. So, for those who are wary about purchasing the invisibleSHIELD on the basis of the negative product reviews posted here, I'd like to respond to some of the most common criticisms:
"It's too hard to install."
True, installation is a bit tricky, and I'd urge anyone who's never installed an invisibleSHIELD film to watch one of the installation videos at Zagg's website before attempting it. But, if you know what to expect and prepare accordingly, installation is actually fairly easy. In addition to Zagg's installation pointers, I'd offer the following suggestions:
- Choose a clean, well-lit environment for installation.
- Close windows, turn off ceiling fans, air conditioners, forced-air heating systems, etc., at least ten minutes before installation to allow dust in the air to settle. Likewise, to keep the air free of dust particles, don't use a compressed-air duster to clean your device at the time of installation.
- Just prior to installation, dip your fingers in white vinegar (then wipe them dry with a clean microfiber cloth) to cut skin oil and prevent fingerprints from forming on the adhesive side of the film. (Do this before moistening your fingers with the application solution, as Zagg recommends.)
- Be sure that the device is completely free of any visible debris or skin-oil residue before installation. Polish it thoroughly with a clean microfiber cloth and distilled water or a commercial LCD cleaning solution.
- During installation, apply enough of the application solution to the film so that, if the alignment isn't immediately correct, you can "slide" it into position without having to remove and reapply it. (NOTE: I tend to use quite a bit of the solution during installation, and, to my mind, that's the key to a successful installation. I know some people object to this approach on the theory that, the more solution you use, the greater the risk of solution seeping into and damaging your device. I try to safeguard against this, first, by squeegeeing out excess solution away from openings, ports, and buttons, second, by soaking up excess solution with an absorbent cloth as I squeegee, and, third, by keeping the device powered off for a full twenty-four hours after installation to allow any solution inside the device to dry.)
"It looks terrible."
A sloppy installation job will produce ugly results. The best way to achieve a clean look is to study the installation process ahead of time and follow the installation instructions exactly. That said, even after a successful installation, you're still likely to notice numerous microbubbles and other imperfections in the invisibleSHIELD film. If you do, stay calm, and resist the impulse to remove and reapply the film -- chances are good you'll only make things worse by doing so. As long as you're satisfied with the alignment and can detect no creases, buckling, or large bubbles in the film, leave it alone. Virtually all of the remaining imperfections really will vanish over time. Zagg advises that you should allow two to three days for the imperfections to disappear, but my experience is that the most disappear within a matter of hours.
Note that, after installation, you may observe a subtle texture in the surface of the film under certain lighting conditions. This isn't a flaw; it's a function of the invisibleSHIELD's so-called "Nano-Memory technology," which gives the film its strength, durability, and self-healing capacity. It's not noticeable during normal use of the device.
"It doesn't stay on."
In order to prevent the invisibleSHIELD film from peeling off your device at the sides or corners, it's important that you allow it to "cure" completely following installation. Set it aside, and leave it alone for a full twenty-four hours. (I realize this is easier said than done, especially if you're just dying to play with your shiny new toy.) As long as you've installed the film flush against the surface of the device (taking care that the sides or corners don't "hang" over the edges), it should, once cured, stick securely to the device until you decide to remove it.
Note, however, that even a completely cured film can work loose if you carry your device in a tight-fitting case. Zagg actually warns of this and notes that the invisibleSHIELD is designed to protect your device in lieu of a case, not in addition to a case. If you insist on additional protection, choose a skin or pouch that doesn't grip the invisibleSHIELD-protected surfaces of device too tightly.
"It's too sticky. My finger doesn't glide across it."
This appears to be a common complaint, and you'll probably notice a difference between the feel of the invisibleSHIELD film and the feel of the glass touchscreen it's protecting. But, I've never found the film to be so tacky, sticky, or rubbery that it compromises the HTC EVO 4G's touchscreen in any way. I've noticed absolutely no reduction in touchscreen sensitivity, and the film surface is smooth enough that I can input text using the Swype keyboard without issue.
"It gets dirty too easily, and it's hard to clean."
I haven't found that the invisibleSHIELD film attracts dirt, fingerprints, or smudges any more readily than the glass touchscreen underneath, but I do think it retains them a bit more stubbornly. For me, this is a small price to pay for the peace of mind I get knowing my device is protected. Even though your device won't come clean on the fly by wiping it on your shirt sleeve, a quick polish with a microfiber cloth and distilled water or a commercial LCD cleaning solution will do the trick.
It's important to remember that any screen-protection solution will alter the feel and appearance of your device to some degree, so don't expect the invisibleSHIELD to be truly "invisible." But, if you're looking for a screen protector that's easy to install, provides reliable protection, and is minimally obtrusive both visually and tangibly, it's hard to do much better than the invisibleSHIELD. ZAGG invisibleSHIELD for HTC Evo 4G (Screen) - Creative Zen - Zagg - Screen Protector - Htc'
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