was rather surprised when the dock that came with my iPod shuffle broke on me. Even more surprised when I saw that Apple wanted $29.95 to replace it. Heck, that's almost half of what the Shuffle cost to begin with. And if the first one broke so easy I don't want to take a chance.
So I surfed around and saw this handy dandy thing. I got it pretty quick and it works like a charm! And what's better, you can carry this around with you much easier than the Apple dock and it's not going to die on me.
Great product! Premium White USB Data / Charging Adapter Adaptor for Apple 2nd Generation Shuffle
Wired incorrectly, I used an ohm meter to check the wiring on an Apple 2nd gen shuffle charger and the metal case that goes into the usb port (of the computer)is connected to the 3rd segment from the top of the 1/8" plug, this would be chasis ground. These low price connectors do not connect the metal case of the usb port to the chasis ground which leads to the error message that the unit conected to the usb port is drawing to much current and the usb ports is shutting down. Thus this unit does not work for charging or transfering data. If I can figure out the wiring so easily with an ohm meter, why can't the chinese or whoever makes these? I don't know how some of these units reviewed work unless they make some that do connect to chasis ground. Price was cheap enough so nothing really lost. My shuffle was not damaged by this cord.
I ordered this product as a replacement for a broken iPod shuffle charger, and I was not expecting much, given that it only cost me one cent. But the plug of the charger did not fit into my shuffle correctly, and when I tried to pull it out, it ripped off the plastic covering. Not only that, but when it was plugged in it did not work anyway. Maybe I just had a faulty one, but I strongly do not recommend this product.
The USB Adapter for the iPod Shuffle fills a product need created by Apple. The reality is a similar adapter should have been included with the Shuffle instead of the mini-doc. Or, a standard USB port connection should have been used. Either way, this is a handy accessory for your iPod shuffle, and it works with both 2nd and 3rd generation models.
This unit is not only smaller than the Apple shuffle dock, it's also cheaper. It's very convenient to have as a backup. Price wise this adapter tends to be the best at less than $0.50.
Clearly this is a low end accessory. Failure rates are inevitable, so at these prices it pays to buy a few to have a backup. Additionally, secondary USB ports and USB hubs may not work with this one, so you have to use a main port.
This unit is worth a try. If you have the Shuffle, though, it pays to get some version of this adapter.
This item seemed like a bargain but it was a big mistake!
Using it totally turned our new iPod Shuffle to waste.
Sorry we ever considered it! How they could make something so simple to be so bad that is destroys your electronics is hard to understand... but unfortunately true.
This works exactly fine just as long as you have a usb plug that this will fit properly, i have a total of 10 usb ports, 4 on the mother board and two built in the front of my computer case, none of these fit properly, i have a pci usb hub that works but it is loose. The usb plug on this seems just a bit too long that makes it a little hard to make a proper connection, other wise it is a great replacement for the apple dock that comes with the shuffle.
After having my second Apple Dock die, I was not really interested in spending 30 bucks for more of the same. I read the negative reviews about this cable, but figured at $2.00 even if it didn't work it wouldn't be the end of the world, unless it fried my Shuffle. All I can say is that it works just the same as the Dock did (when it worked) in a much easier-to-carry design. I ordered mine through Eforcity, who I have dealt with in the past with excellent results every time. I actually ordered another as soon as I was sure the cable worked properly.
As to problems others have encountered, I see there are multiple sellers, and they come up randomly when you view the product. I can only vouch for the one I got from Eforcity, and if the new one I ordered works the same you can color me happy. And, as stated, this is only for the 2nd Gen Shuffle shown in the listing. Just because you can plug it into any Ipod doesn't guarantee positive results...
Item does not charge. None of the aftermarket USB products is able to charge you IPOD suffle. Need to purchage actual apple charger. I tried one from Fry's electronic, Best Buy, and the two from amazon. None of them worked. The range in prices vary from 18 to 2 dollars. - Ipod - Shuffle Adapter - Ipod Charger - Usb Adapter'
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