Bark is not a how-to-care-for-your-dog magazine. It's a magazine about living with dogs. It has fascinating articles about the lives of dogs and people with dogs. It has history of dogs and poems about dogs and interviews with dog trainers and sheep herders and canine rescue squads ... If you want the latest pet grooming tricks, you won't find it here, but if you want insight into what dogs mean to people and what people mean to dogs, this is your magazine. Charming, touching, smart and simply wonderful. The Bark
The Bark is by far the greatest magazine for dog lovers ever printed! Insightful articles, essay, stories, and artwork keep you waiting eagerly for the next issue. They cover health, training, home decorating, entrepreneurs, absolutely everything! And maybe most importantly, the Bark does not cater to breeders or exploiters. Instead of advertisements for kennels, they promote shelters and spay/neuter programs. No AKC elitists here! Every dog counts. And if you are looking for the lastest and greatest pet products, their advertisers have the most original and unusual things to be found anywhere. This magazine focuses on human relationships with the dogs that share our world, housepets to service dogs. When each new issue arrives (and there aren't enough!) we make popcorn for ourselves and for our dogs and the we all hit the couch for the entire evening. If you have one dog, no dog, or many, this is the quintessential reading for any person who has ever loved a canine!
I am a new subscriber, have received two issues so far. This is a fascinating magazine, beautifully laid out, and well written. In the first issue I received (which I have now read almost cover-to-cover, something I Never do with magazines), there were articles about Dog rescue in Asia, the science of the historical relationship between Dogs and their humans, emotional vignettes about the love between Dogs and humans and so much more.
I like the reviewer who likened this magazine to the New Yorker about Dogs. The first issue was chock-full of everything from useful tips to weepy stories to fascinating science.
I made an effort to cancel all of my magazine subscriptions recently, simply because I do not have the time to read them all. This one will remain. In fact, I may start archiving this magazine-it is that good! All of our guests inevitable pick up the magazine, drawn by the crisp graphics, and retained by a healthy variety of reading.
Obviously, I am a fan. I have barely started the second issue, but from skimming the articles, I have full faith that I will not be disappointed.
Subscribe and enjoy!
This is an extremely "well rounded" magazine! I thoroughly enjoy every issue. Bark covers all issues concerning dogs. From articles on veterinary issues, understanding your dogs behaviour, dog gear....and outstanding well written short stories and articles written by people about their dogs and how they have impacted their lives. Very enjoyable reading....from cover to cover.
I highly recommend Bark. If you get your "paws" on your first copy, you will definitely look forward to the next.
This magazine is a nice alternative to Dog Fancy or purebred-centered publications. It contains rescue-related stories and gives mutts equal time. The writers are witty and interesting, and there aren't terrible breeder ads in the back. A good choice for those of us that spay/neuter our dogs and aren't involved in showing.
I can't wait to open each issue of The Bark when it arrives; it never fails to inspire. My dog is part of my family, and The Bark reflects that way of life. Life with my dog. Unlike other dog magazines, The Bark doesn't tell me how to train my dog or what type of dog food I should buy; instead I find articles written by those who share their lives with dogs, and who have something to say about it to readers who live with dogs. If you don't live with a dog, you might after you read The Bark!
I have been a loyal subscriber almost since the beginning, and I cannot believe how this publication just keeps getting better. It's lush to look at, a pleasure to read and packed from cover to cover with information that delights, informs and entertains. Even the ads are nifty.
If you have a dog and a brain, you have to have The Bark.
I think everyone will agree that there are tons of dog magazines out there but this one really stands out from the rest. The articles are about a wide range of interests and present different views on things. Anyone with an interest in dogs would really enjoy this. Some o;f the articles are a little more in depth and scientific than others that may just be simply informative or for fun. There are things that really make you think, about the world we're living in or the newest technology that is being developed to tell us new things about things we THOUGHT we knew.
Smart, fair, funny and informative. I often refer to this periodical as the NPR for dog lovers. Actually you can see that many times contributors are people from NPR. Our dogs are our family and we enjoy them very much. I read this magazine from cover to cover. I have given many gifts subscriptions!
I have been subscribing to The Bark for many many years now and it's a joy to receive this magazine! Customer service has never been a problem and as long as they keep up the quality of the magazine and customer service I foresee The Bark Magazine being around for a very long time. Thank you Bark for providing a quality dog magazine! - Dog Magazine - Magazine - Animal Stories - Dog Culture'
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