my daughter and son in law were exspecting,didn"t know what they were having but when their bundle of joy Isabella Marie came out they were both more than pleased to have their daughter.The sparkle in my son in laws eyes is apparrent every time he picks Isabella up. All-American Girl
Carrie Underwood is the artist that has driven me, for once and for all, away from country radio. There is no denying her talent, but she needs to (a) come up with some better material and (b) stop screaming. Radio has been playing this over-produced and cliche-ridden song to death, and if I hear her screech her way through it one more time, I may seriously lose my mind. So, after 28 years of listening to country radio, I've finally made the break. I'll stick to my MP3 player and the Country Classics channel on Music Choice where I can hear real country music from vocalists who don't constantly oversing every number. - Country Music - Contemporary Country'
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