I bought this Dremel. I used it. Then, I promptly returned it. I instead went with Proxxon 38481 IB/E Professional Rotary Tool.
The Proxxon is far superior in almost every way. If you look at the spec sheets, you might think the Dremel would have the advantage. After all, the Dremel boasts a 175 watt motor and continuous variable speeds from 5,000-35,000 RPM whereas the Proxxon only has a 100 Watt motor and continuous variable speeds from 5,000-20,000 RPM.
However, the Dremel is loud and whiny. [Noise is the manifestation of vibration.] The Proxxon is quiet and smooth, with virtually no vibration. Further, the Proxxon delivers consistent torque. The Dremel buckles a bit under heavy loads. It isn't consistent.
The Proxxon uses triple reinforced steel collets to minimize play. The Dremel uses a keyless chuck. [If you prefer a keyless chuck, Proxxon offers an attachment for roughly $10.]
The Proxxon is ergonomically designed and there is no question how you are supposed to hold it. Further, the instruction manual shows the correct position. The Dremel is awkward and hard to hold.
The Proxxon is made of diecast alumnium, fiberglass and rubber and is manufactured in Germany. It weighs over a pound. I don't know where Dremel is made, but it feels cheap.
As for accessories... Dremel comes with far more accessories, but Dremel accessories are not overly expensive. Further, the majority of accessories are cheap and unnecessary. Buy the right accessory for the right job and you'll be fine. No real need for 85 different kinds of sanding wheels [just my opinion]
I couldn't imagine anyone trying both and actually preferring Dremel. I don't see how that is possible. Dremel 4000-2/30 120-Volt Variable Speed Rotary Tool Kit
I was very excited for the release of this product and bought it the day it hit the shelf. If you worked with the 400xp like I did, this is definitely a power surge machine, like going from a ford taurus to a ford mustang. After about a week of using it though, the machine was already not operating as new. The on and off switch was not clicking the same, and the machine "extremely" overheated when challenged with a difficult task. I had to put it down for about 20 mins it was so hot.
IN CONCLUSION: Too powerful for light use and day to day jobs. Flimsy parts (switch, and screw), and a very awkward holding position. When you pick up the machine you almost have to try to figure out what;s the right way to hold it.
I purchased this Dremel for a small project and as an "upgrade" from my previous Dremel which is out on loan and still working just fine after 8-9 years. I was using this new unit for at most one minute and the motor completely died. At first I figured the circuit blew, but was surprised to realize that the tool itself quit after how reliable my older model has been. I'm returning this tool to the store and will just wait to get my old one back.
My knock-off rotary tool died, so I decided to get a real Dremel. After a couple of light-use projects, the 4000 just stopped. Since I purchased it from a big-box store and lost the receipt, I lost the will to even mess with a getting it repaired. The brushes were clean and no burning motor smell was detected, so I'm guessing the fancy rpm dial pooped out. The good news is that the no-frills Dremel 300 my good wife just bought me fits in the 4000's case.
I"ve been using dremel tools for years and love them. The 4000 is light weight comfortable and easy to use. On off switch and speed controles are in great locations. With the choice of attachments drilling, sanding, cutting and so many more! The uses for this cool tool are endless. The dremel 4000 makes my projects fun and easy. The 4000 maked all the repairs I've put off so easy to complete. I've been looking for more things to fix.
This unit is really great, just like my friend told me. This unit will improve
my electric guitar building business for some fine detailed work that I have not been able to do till now. Thanks to the Dremel 4000,Flex-Shaft,Work Station
and the attachments !!!
I've been using Dremel tools for years and love them. I got a 2nd drill just to have one set up and ready to go with the flexshaft extension on it. I recently got the router type TRIO. Haven't used it much yet... it looks sturdy. I suspect I will get something reciprocal in the near future. I always loved to do everything by hand, but I'm getting older now and like saving the time & energy.
Outstanding! I use at least one Dremel tool in my shop each day. Each new attachment and new tool are an upgrade to old reliables with the Dremel name, I hope to try out the new Multi-Max cordless soon. - Crafting - Rotary Tool - Corded Rotary Tools - Hobby Tool'
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