I bought my grill on (Saturday) 7 Aug 10, and I was so proud to get the grill on sale (I thought they were all sold out, because this was a limited production model). I brought it home and assembled the grill the same day. I hooked up the Coleman gas and checked it for leeks. None were found, so while the grill was heating up, I went indoors to get some hot dogs to cook on it. I went back outside the grill and heard a popping sound like popcorn popping. I opened up the grill and the exterior coating was flaking off. I was really disappointed that I could not even cook anything on a brand new grill. I called Coleman Company on Monday morning, and the grates are on back order, so I have no idea when I can use the grill. It was funny the operator never asked me what model I had, and she already knew it was the Paul Jr. Design model. I wanted this product, because it does have better quality parts (pull out side plates, chrome nobs, chrome hooks, better wheels, and a nice temperature gauge). I still think this will be a decent product, and at least I did get good customer service, without any type of a hassle about getting new grades. I've had a good experience in the past with Coleman customer service, so this was another reason why I purchased this grill.
I just got the new grades in from Coleman today (16 Aug 10), and they have a much thicker coating to the grates, almost a powder coating to the cast iron. I will start using the new grill grates this weekend, and update my review. Paul Jr. Designs Coleman RoadTrip Grill
This grill is AWESOME! I can even look past the defective grills that come with it. It folds out and folds up perfectly, better than any other portable grill I've seen. It has more cooking power and cooking surface than any portable grill I've seen, and it actually folds out to regular grilling height without purchasing expensive extra accessories or stands. And it does all this in one piece without other pieces to lose or forget at home.
Perfect for tailgating, car/tent camping, picnics, etc.! And this model specifically is a better look with the black and chrome. Other campers will seriously envy you.
I even use this outside the garage of my apartment, it's that easy to set up and take down.
I'll be adding the full size griddle grate, and grill cover. I've already added the high-pressure adapter hose for use with a regular propane tank. I'd highly suggest this if you'll be using it at home also.
IMPORTANT: As soon as you buy this grill, contact customer support and report the defective grills to get better replacement grills in the mail under warranty. The original grill grates are defective and the enamel will flake off instantly with heat. Even worse if you use the instructions to "condition" the grill like it says to do first.
I'd read a lot of the reviews and some of the issues with the grill that people had experienced. I went ahead and bought it given all of the concerns. Set up is a snap. As far as the concern over the grill material popping when you're "conditioning" the grill per the instructions.... I did it a little differently than they mentioned. I lit both burners, set on high, closed the top and watched the temp gauge. When it got to 200, I opened the top for a few seconds and let it cool down. Closed the lid and let it heat up to 300 and opened it again. Repeated this at 100 degree increments until it got up to 500 degrees and then shut it off, letting it cool with the top closed. I don't know if I would have had problems otherwise, but it worked perfectly and everything has been fine. The latch issue is a VERY simple $2 fix. I agree that the closing latch is cheesy. They really should have done something different with it. That said, I went to Ace Hdwe, picked up a spring that was about 2 inches long, very fine wire, quarter inch diameter with the hook style ends. Very light pressure....just enough to keep the latch in the closed position. Drill a hole 1/8" or less in the lifting handle, just across from the latch (to the right, at the same level as the latch). Put one end of the spring around the latch and wind it around so it stays on, stretch the other end into the hole that you drilled (just far enough away to keep a very slight amount of pressure on the latch and the spring). It stays in place perfectly and no more worries about the top coming open during transport, etc. It literally took me 5 minutes and now I just pull the latch over every time I open and close the lid. This was so easy that I'm a little surprised that Coleman didn't design it in. Wish I could post a picture so give a visual on it for clarity (a picture would be worth WAY more than all those words above!). The grill cooks like a champ and I think it cleans up easily too. In all this is a great grill and for the price it's really great.
The product arrived within a reasonably quick time and the assembly was easy. The one glaring and frustrating design flaw is the flimsy, useless latch for the top for transporting. As soon as I lifted the unit to roll it into storage the top came open and the grates slid out. The latch actually slides open when you lift the unit. I tried to figure a way to have it latch better but to no avail. A bungee cord is now holding it closed, but the latch is a colossal design failure, especially since this is touted as a "portable" grill. This flaw should have been detected and rectified early on in the production of these units. As an engineer, I see the need for a much heftier, "snapping" or locking closure to give this unit a feeling of quality and durability. Actually, it's a "no-brainer," and you don't have to be en engineer to figure this out. Coleman and Paul Jr. dropped the ball on this one.
Sept. 7, 2011 follow-up. We used the grill as a portable and at home this summer and it worked very well. Buy an adapter hose for a large tank for economical home use and you have a very nice product. The bungee cord is still necessary for transport - a minor inconvenience. I hope Coleman has changed the latch design.
Amazon continues to be the first site I go to when looking for something on the Internet. - Propane Grill - Roadtrip Grill - Grill - Coleman Grill'
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