3M 8210 N95 Particulate Disposable Respirator - the "N95" means that if the mask is properly fitted, it will filter out particles down to .3 microns 95 percent of the time. That's great for particulate matter but not sufficient against flu bugs - yet quite helpful.
The types of viruses that cause respiratory illnesses measure between .1 to .2 microns. That means that while this mask will probably stop most of the flu viruses from getting through, it is not dense enough to stop them all. That is why the product description mentions dust and particulate matter but makes no claim or mention of viruses.
Masks with a high enough efficiency rating to stop viruses are incredibly uncomfortable. I've never worn one but consider that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) advises health-care workers working with SARS patients to wear the N95 mask - same rating as this one. Even the CDC does not expect people to function at work wearing masks with super high efficiency ratings. Therefore I'm not getting a superior rated mask because they are immediately uncomfortable and I might not be able to function wearing one. Health-care workers will be wearing masks rated N95.
The N95 masks are also valued because viruses often travel on bigger molecules such as molecules that contain mucus. N95 will stop all of those.
I would suggest this box of 30 as a good emergency supply and perhaps a better deal:3M 8000 Particle Respirator N95, 30-Pack. 3M 8210Plus Particulate Respirator N95, 20-Pack
Respirators are great for use when getting up leaves or mowing the lawn. I use them regularly during fall for my lawn business. The straps are not durable for long-term use, but usually last as long as the mask stays breatheable. The straps need to be stretched evenly before the mask is first put on or it may seem too tight. One at a time stretch each strap a section of the strap at a time. Much better than the single strap nuisance respirators. Price was awesome on an open box. Wish I had ordered two of them. - 3m - N95 - Face Mask - Masks'
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