I bought this titanium necklace just to try one more alternative treatment for my joint pains and was really pleasantly surprised. It seems to be actually helping. I take tons of supplements and use magnets as well as the Q-ray ring/bracelet but this is the first item that seemed to immediately help decrease the pain in my joints. I'll have to see how it fairs as time goes by but if constantly wearing a rather ugly necklace is the price to pay, so be it. I can't say it'll help everyone who tries it but it definitely seems to be relieving my joint pains. Yehhhhh.....something that REALLY works!! Phiten Titanium Star Necklace, Black, 18-Inches
I had back pain for about a year. After seeing these necklaces being worn by a ton of Major League Baseball players I decided to give one of these a try. Next thing I knew, my back pain was gone. Coincidence? Maybe. But, when I forget to put it back on after a shower I sometimes feel pain again. These are very light weight and comfortable. Highly recommended.
I am a chronic sufferer of back and neck pain. An accident several years ago left me with a fractured vertebrae and more pain than I know how to deal with. I watch a lot of baseball on TV and saw a lot of players wearing this and decided to give it a try. This product(along with a weekly workout regimen) has helped me deal with and exceed my own standards of pain tolerance. I don't know whether it's a mind-over-matter type of experience, but at this point, I don't really care. If you deal with aches and pains similar to these, I would definitely give this a try.
I've been wearing it for 3 weeks now. I have sciatic due to a herniated disc. I was hoping this will relieve pain. I guess it's not that powerful to wear it on the neck to get rid of the pain in my low back. I also got the bracelet which really works for my wrist, elbo and shoulder. Well, it's probably the combination of the necklace and bracelet that make them feel pretty much pain free. They are painful because I am a Programmer and work on the computer all day.
I would say this product works. I may be buying the waist belt that is not sold here.
I've had gout for over 12 years and I constantly get flare ups on my right ankle. At times when my flare up was not as severe, i often would have minor ankle swells lasting all day. With a number of supplements taken such as black cherry fruit extract pills, glucosamine, NSAID's, and even acupuncture, i constanly had a slight swollen ankle that bothered me each day, especially in the evenings. Since watching the baseball players use it, I began reviewing the benefits of using this bracelet and heard from the BB players that it was helping them ease pain. I immediately thought of buying one for my dad since he always complained about his neck and how much it bothered him. Mind you that he is a welder who constantly shifts his welding hood downward with the use of his neck..figured that was the main reason why his neck hurt all the time. I bought this necklace and gave it to him and told him that the bracelet should help reduce is neck pain. Very kindly, my father acknowledged my statement as he placed it on his neck. Surprisingly, my dad called me two days later and said..."son, i couldn't wait to call you to tell you that the my neck pain is gone!!, and you are right! this thing helped my neck pain!" I was very glad to hear that...now here is my story. I got in Amazon and purchased one for me with the crazy idea of placing it on my ankle where my swelling occurs. My ankle measured 11 inches in diamater so i purchased the 22 inch phiten black bracelet. The day of arrival I opened the package and tied it on my ankle..perfect fit once double looped. Folks or readers..my swelling has gown down and my ankle pain went away!!!! Really...I can't believe that this bracelet served its purpose. Unbelievable! Now i can get up in the morning and not feel any pain in my foot. My evenings are much better than they every have been. i feel more energized throughout the day and feel great at night.
I still take my cherry fruit extract pills, B complex, and Glucosomine supplements to help eliminate my uric acid in my body. i also take a teaspoon of baking soda to help neutralize the acid in the blood(kidney specialist referral).
for those of you who have any joint pain, i suggest you try this bracelet and place it on the trouble areas. Of course it's impossible to find one long enough to fit around your waist, for those who have waist problems, but having one on your ankle, neck, and wrist will certainly help balance those energies overall.
this is my story and felt it is worth sharingto those who are thinking whether or not this product works. I would gladly here anyone's testimonials about this bracelet. It truly works !!!
I'm a drummer who does a lot of session work and driving around to gigs who deals with chronic back and neck pain. I've been through chiro treatment and use all sorts of inversion tables, back rests, and braces to help deal with the pain of muscle stress and tension in my back and neck. Sometimes this pain spreads to my ribs and other areas so my pain simply comes from tense muscles, no disc compressions or anything like that. After buying this at a local sport shop and putting it on, I got into my car and slouched down into my seat (something I don't usually do because of the pain in my lower back) and drove to where I needed to be, not even realizing that my pain had went away. After wearing this necklace for a few days, I have stopped taking muscles relaxers at night, and I noticed while waking up I don't feel any tension. Usually waking up in the morning I feel the most tension but haven't had a problem for the past week. This morning while getting ready for work I was having some pain in my left ankle, and it was popping. I never have ankle pain and it never pops (must have tweaked it). Therefore, I took my necklace off and wrapped it around my ankle. 5 minutes later the pain was gone. I'm not sure how this product works, although I'm a firm believer in the bodies natural healing process. If this IS indeed placebo effect working, then what is the big issue? People should understand that placebo effect is a natural and very important process that can occur in our body. Western medicine spends time trying to get medication to work apart from the placebo effect, which is dangerous and a waste of time. I feel this product really does work and suggest it to anyone who wants to help themselves overcome pain with their body's natural healing process. Stop listening to other people's criticism and see if this product works for you. Your mind plays a bigger role in the success of this product than you think. That is all.... - Waste - Phiten - Phiten Necklace - Nonsense'
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