These disks have a blank surface, so they are good if you like to write all over. The logo is just a silver logo on a silver background. They are just as good as any other disk, and I have written many movies in VCD and DivX form on these, and they all play fine. What the one reviewer means by scratchy playback is beyond me, CDs that are not physically scratched either work or they don't work. These work in all cases. Verbatim 94691 700 MB 52x 80 Minute Branded Recordable Disc CD-R, 50-Disc Spindle
I bought these after buying TDK for the past 5 years and now only being able to get Memorex at a low price (I've had very bad experiences with Memorex CDRs in the past). These were surprisingly cheap as Verbatim is one of the highest quality blank media brands. Not surprisingly, the discs lived up to expectations on my Plextor-716A drive. I haven't tested a whole lot yet, but the ones I did test, burn flawlessly and when disc scans were run, there were no errors. You really can't go wrong with Verbatim. Just buy them.
I have had very good success with the Verbatim CD-Rs.
Before using these, I had bought some of another well known brand. The others did not work well at all for me. I had a failure rate of over 50%. With the Verbatim brand, I have not had any that failed out of about 75 tried.
I would say that this particular media is a very good product based upon my experience.
Memorex, Maxell, TDK, HP, and many other disks are behind verbatim in quality. These CD-Rs are very compatible with so many devices, they are not very sensitive to scratches, and rarely fail to burn. They can even be over burned 20-30MB without too much trouble. I have been using Verbatim for years, and these are the best in their great series of disks
Verbatim makes a very reliable blank CD-R that can handle up to 700 MB of data or 80 minutes of music. Moreover, these blank CD-Rs record data at speeds up to 52x. I have used these as data discs and discs to record video. I also get very few, if any, coasters.
The CD-R discs are compact and easy to store. While the discs are still blank, store them in the circular case on the spindle that they came in. After your burn data onto them, I would recommend storing them in slim jewel cases instead of paper sleeves. It's just better protection for your CD-Rs that have data stored on them. Don't store these discs, burnt or blank, in rooms that become very hot; this causes damage to any brand of this type of disc and you could lose data over time.
There are two caveats that many other people note about any brand of this product: when you are burning the data onto the blank disc, don't be surprised if you see that the data is burning at a rate slower than 52x. This can happen if your burner doesn't have the capacity to burn faster, or it may be a quirk. I am not a professional so I cannot be certain of precisely what causes this phenomenon; but I assure you that the extra minute or two (tops) that you wait to get your CD-R completed is worth the wait. In addition, DON'T write on these using Sharpie ink pens. The ink can seep through the top coating of the CD-R disc and compromise your data. In fact, don't write directly on these--period. You risk losing your information. Don't attach labels of any sort, either.
Overall, Verbatim blank CD-R discs store data reliably and I believe that an extra minute to burn the data onto the blank disc is well worth it.
I've only been burning CDs a little over a year. I started with the Sony brand thinking I was getting a high quality product. However, I had numerous burn failures and/or playback problems. So I checked the reviews on Sony CD-Rs. Those reviews led me to switch, and I chose Verbatim which in general seemed to be favorably rated. I bought this spindle of 100 and just used the last one. 100 of 100 of the CDs successfully burnt and played. So I ordered my second Verbatim spindle. As far as my experience with Verbatim goes, I've been VERY satisfied.
I have been burning copies of cds and my own made up music playlists for years. I've used many brands over the years with very little coaster discs meaning those that either didn't work or just wouldn't plain record. I just had an awful experiece with the Memorex cd-r discs. Out of 30 discs on average 25 did not work. I am not a novice at burning discs and know what I am doing. So I researched here on Amazon and wanted to give the Verbatim cd-rs a shot. I do most of my shopping with them for if something does not work they always provide hassle free returns. I know of no other place as amazing as Amazon. So I purchased these Verbatim cd-r discs after all my research knowing I could return them if there were problems. But I can honestly say there have been practically no problems with these. Out of 25 I have used there was 1 that did not work. For me that is fine. There is always a chance the occasional error disc will appear. But so far I have been able to make all my projects and burn cds error free.
The other great thing about Amazon is the fact that reviews by users and buyers are given such importance. Especially with items like this it is important for buyers to share their user experience. And saying that I highly recommend these discs. - Verbatim - Cdr - Blank Cds - Media'
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