The remote works as advertised.
The manual has programming directions (press "program" button on your garage opener, press the remote two times, you're done).
The four little rectangles arond the remote are a plastic sleeve that can be reversed to cover the button, so it won't accidentally open your garage from your pocket.
There's a tiny hole that lights up red when you press the button, so you know that the battery is good.
Comes with battery already installed.
The keyring was a little tough to attach. Genie GICT390-1BL One-Button Remote Control with Intellicode
I have an Overhead Door brand opener. I think this brand is only available through independent dealers. My remote was 10 years old and I needed a new one. I was glad to find that this little remote would work with Overhead Door. I simply opened the lens that covers the lightbulb, pushed the learn button, pushed the remote control button twice within a few seconds of one another and it was ready to go. Works great. Verify on Genie's site that your garage door opener works with this remote before ordering...just to be sure.
This was sooo easy!
The hardest part was cutting open the plastic packaging! Easy set-up as mentioned. Just click the "learn" button on your opener and press the button twice on this remote and Voila! you're done!
Comes with a visor clip and a key ring. I'm just using the visor clip. This is a nice compact size remote, a little smaller than those really tiny flip cellphones.
Note: The product packaging states that this remote is only valid with Genie models 1997 and newer.
This remote is working from 30 feet away for me. Awesome! I guess it depends on the static on this particular frequency in your area, but it's wonderful at my house and I'm not far from the airport.
If you own a Genie 1997 or newer and need a new remote, buy this one and you'll be as happy as me!
This is only a bit smaller than the regular Genie remote, maybe the size of a flip cellphone. Don't expect it to hang on your key ring unless you're Captain Kangaroo.
The "docking station" is a plastic bracket with the visor clip. The remote isn't any smaller with it than without.
This compact version of the Genie rolling code remote comes with a reversible belt clip that allows you to cover the actuating button when it is in your pocket or purse. The unit programs very easily and has a loop for attachment of other items you may want to group with the remote. The remotes' smaller size is handy for reducing the bulk of necessary carries. Highly recommended!
Just like other reviews, it took me less than 1 minute to set up it. It's cheaper than buying a unit from Home Depot. However it's not true that your opener with Intellicode has be manufactured after 1997. Mine is 1996 and it works. Before I ordered it, I checked with Genie customer service via email and they told that it would work.
I was in the market for a replacement remote when one of my room-mates moved out and didn't give me his remote! I was stuck between this model and the larger direct replacement model [GIT-1BL] simply because of the price difference. I decided to get this model since I felt the smaller size would be easier to tuck away in the car. I've never been a fan of having a garage door opener on my visor.
Like all the other reviews state, this is super easy to set-up and requires little more than a small step ladder for programming.
The size is SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than the GIT-1BL. Well worth the extra $$ if you're someone who tucks your opener out of sight and only need one button!
The range is a bit better than my original remote and now the door opens completely by the time I'm ready to park.
The only issue might be for older folks who like having the larger raised and textured button that has that satisfying click when you push it. This model is designed to fit in your pocket easily and has a recessed button that takes just a little more finesse to push, but nothing significant.
Recommended? YES!
Nice upgrade from how old the Genie GIT-1BL looks. But we're always accidently hitting the button. Kind of annoying. It is way too sensitive so if it is in your pocket or in your hand, it is too easy to activate.
Update: After owning this for 6 months, I would not recommend this to anyone. I can activate the garage from anywhere in our condo. Unfortunately, the button sensitivity has caused us to accidently leave the garage open for several hours. If we ever get my tools stolen I would be very upset.
We have Overhead Door garage openers that are roughly 8-9 years old, with the rotating codes. I was really worried when I had lost or broken all of our older garage openers, when I found these.
WOW! These are so easy to setup. A simple few clicks on the garage unit, and then on the remote and I was off and running.
Highly recommend these as replacements. They're a little light and flimsy feeling, otherwise I'd have given them 5 stars. But, at this price I'll gladly just buy more if one breaks. - Garage Door Opener - Remote - Genie Garage Door Opener - Genie'
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